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"So, do you usually do this?" Whilst laying in the back of the car, cuddling a shorter and recently proven kinkier man, Josh inhales a cigarette slow, watching as the toxic blue toned smoke is whipped away by the gentle cool breeze whistling in through the slightly cracked back door window.

Brendon rolls over to cuddle up, the scratchy wool blanket kept in the trunk of the car pulls taught, so he lifts himself to pull it out from underneath his hips, then lays his bare body against Josh's, smiling with a giggle as he nuzzles into his neck.

"No, I haven't done this in a very long time," with that, he leans up and pinches the cigarette from Josh's fingers, the older squints at him, though he doesn't smile at the action, a small sparkle in his eye shows he's not mad.

"You? You often pick up random men?" Brendon lifts and drops his brows, cheekily titters, then drags a draw from the smoke.

"Actually, I've never been with a guy, I wanted to try it,"

Brendon reels back with shock, sitting up slightly.

"Legit? No wonder you fucked me like a girl," he only laughs, Brendon isn't offended, it wasn't the first time he was the first time for a seemingly straight man.

Josh awkwardly snickers at the statement, but quickly silences himself once the headlights of another car begin to roll up behind them.

Pushing Brendon from his chest, Josh begins to dress himself and quick, mumbling profanity under his breath.

"Fuck, shit fuck! You gotta go, you gotta get outta here,"

Brendon screws his face up, questioning the abrupt dismissal.

"What? Who is that? Why do I have to leave-"

"Just shut up and fuck off you're about to ruin my fucking life!" Josh snaps, clambering out of the car, slamming the door.

He wants to cry, Brendon thinks. Again he was made to be someone's toy for a few minutes before they'd throw him out.

At least, this time, Brendon was into it, but he wasn't into being used, a rage boiling deep inside the pit of his gut.

"Hell hath no fury," he growls, beginning to also dress himself.

Stumbling out into the dirt paddock, he catches sight of a woman standing with Josh, she doesn't look happy with hands to hips, voice raised as she chews into Josh, cursing him for everything under the sun.

He seems to be trying to calm her, but he doesn't look happy either.

Brendon squints at the pair, walking up behind Josh, he pauses and listens to them. The woman seems to be mad at Josh for going out after a previous fight, Josh attempts to defend himself with a causal "I told you I was going", but she shakes her head.

Finally he believes it's time to speak up.

"Hey what the fuck man?" With arms crucifixed outwards, Brendon interrupts the two.

Josh spins around and now he's furious.

"What the fuck did I say? Get back in the car!"

"Who the fuck is this?" The woman points at him, and he scoffs at the arrogance.

"Don't point your skinny little twig fingers at me bitch, who the fuck are you?" He steps forward, no way would he back down.

Josh had been the first man since he had arrived to the city that had treated him kind.

And though they ended up having sex, that wasn't his intention, and that was every mans intention with Brendon.

He felt like a fool feeling so attached to a stranger, but clearly Josh felt it too as he puts his hand out to stop the woman advancing towards him.

"I asked first,"

"Well honey you're gonna learn something about me real quick and that's that I don't fucking care, who are you, why are you ruining our night?"

She looks to Josh, who only looks ashamed, head towards the dirt.

"Im his fucking fiancé, honey,"

"What a fiancé he is!" Brendon throws his hands up with a laugh. "Fiancé? Fucking fiancé Josh?"

"Hey I didn't ask you to involve yourself with my personal life," the fiery haired man bites back with venom dripping off every word he spat.

"Bitch? You involved me when you fucked me in the back of your car!"

"What the fuck?!" The random woman Brendon had now learned was Josh's fiancé practically screams in Josh's face, shoving him in the chest. "You fucking cheated on me?! With him!?"

"Honey I can see why," Brendon casually tosses the comment out. "You seem like a controlling bitch anyways," with a flick of his hair, Brendon gives a cocky grin.

The woman goes to reply but Josh interrupts once again.

"You're always out with that work mate of yours! We already talked about this, how come you can go out but as soon I do you hunt me the fuck down!"

"Maybe because I can't fucking trust you and I was right!" She pokes his chest a few times, turning back to Brendon. "You're a home wrecker you tart!"

"I'd watch that mouth of yours motherfucker," he steps forward and watches as the woman steps back, shooting looks between the two men.

Both scowl at her.

"Hey don't talk to him like that Deborah, he doesn't know what's going on," Josh interjects stepping between them both, Brendon folding his arms across his chest, the jumper he wore wasn't his and it smelt like cigarettes, cheap alcohol and an erotic cologne that had rubbed off onto his skin.

It also wasn't his, and he smiles, triumphant.

This beautiful man was his for a night and he was proud, no sympathy for a woman who called him a tart.

"Who's fucking side are you on!?" Deborah, or so Brendon had heard, turns back to Josh, swinging to slap him but he obviously knows what's coming and leans back away from it.

"Hey you fucking bitch don't touch him," Brendon warns, moving towards her with arms by his sides now, suddenly fuming at the action.

"Or what?"

Brendon pushes her back, she only stumbles before she rushes forward and tackles him to the ground.

Caught off guard and unprepared for a fight, Brendon struggles underneath her, squirming and cursing as she punches and slaps into him.

"You fucker! You absolute asshole you've ruined everything! I'm going to fucking kill you kid you hear me! I'll rip your head off you-"

A dull, almost wet thunk of something metal colliding with the back of a skull is the first sound Brendon hears, scrambling up and backing against the car door.

He looks to Josh, who wields a thick metal bat like object, bringing it high above his head, he swings it down to connect with the skull of the woman once again.

"Stop! Telling! Me! What! To! Fucking! Do!" With every word he beats down, a bloody pulpy mess pools around his feet. "You sound like my dad! You hear me?! You fucking break my heart everyday! I can't love you! I can't!" He's ceased to hit her once she's ceased to breath anymore.

Wide eyed, Brendon can only stare at the muck and crushed head of the once beautiful woman.

"You aren't my dad, I won't let you be, I won't let him hurt me anymore!"

"A-are, you crying?" Brendon practically hyperventilates at the scene but manages to push words out of his dry throat.

Josh's attention snaps to him now, chest heaving as small droplets of blood and brain matter roll down his cheeks.

"You..." he begins to stalk towards Brendon, clutching the bat tighter.

"Fuck this man!" Brendon scrambles to his feet, attempting to run but he's quickly grabbed and pinned up against the side of the car.

He struggles but cannot break free, a cold, bloody hand closes over his mouth before he can scream.

"Let's take a drive dollface."

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