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Eighteen year old Brendon stands in his room, breathing deep and slow to try and calm his nerves.

His father had invited his hunting friends over for the televised soft ball game they all seemed to share a love for.

Brendon was anxious, as usual, yet more so tonight as when his father would have these gatherings, the perverted old men he hung around would swam Brendon like flies to shit, showering him with compliments, unleashed hands wandering to grab what wasn't theirs.

Phoenix was to be here tonight, which did soothe the battle raging in Urie's mind.

Carefully he pads out of his room and down the hallway, slipping into the crowded kitchen, he pockets his packet of cigarettes, and pushes through the burly men blocking the exit.

As he tries to exit the front door, a particularly taller, beefier man confronts him, cramming up the doorway with his frame.

"Brendon, right?" He smiles, but Brendon can see the malice hidden behind the friendly gesture.

"Excuse me I'm trying to get out," Brendon flashes a smaller smile back out of politeness, desperately trying to push past the man.

"Aw you're not joining us for the game?" He leans in the direction Brendon moves towards.

"No it's not my thing, excuse me my friend is here," Brendon sighs, shuffling past.

The taller man quickly grips his frail wrist and pulls him back.

"Your dad told us about that friend of yours and how he don't treat you right," two fingers run across the hand shaped bruise along Brendon's throat.

Scrunching his brows, Brendon attempts to pull his arm away, the man only tugs him closer.

"If you want a real man I'll show you how real men treat little boys like you,"

The terrified brunette manages to reef his arm back, scurrying out the front door and slamming it.

Rubbing a hand over the imprints on his throat, Brendon begins to feel his eyes watering.

Phoenix would never hurt him, not on purpose, it was purely out of love.

Clearly, in his mind, if he was in the wrong, he should be punished for being disrespectful.

If his father would do the same then obviously Phoenix would be right to discipline him.

Reaching the start of the driveway, the frail brunette wipes his cheeks and smiles as the black car rolls up the dirt path towards him, stopping fully and finally.

Phoenix clambers our of the drivers side, Brendon overjoyed sprints towards him and dives into his arms, planting kisses all over his lovers tan flesh.

"Alright alright I'm here, calm down," the older giggles, pausing their embrace only to move in swiftly and lock lips.

"Dads friends are here already, wanna go for a walk?" Brendon suggests as he takes Phoenix's hand and leads him away from the house.

"They not treating you okay?"

"Well I walked out of my room and one called me a faggot so no they treat me prefect," the smaller giggles, stuffing his hands inside his jeans pockets.

Phoenix doesn't reply, but looks up and takes in the glowing scenery, with a setting sun, pastures filled with cows huddling under trees ready for bed.

Brendon kicks some stones as he walks, huffing a sigh of relief once the pair reach a large barn.

"So you brought me back here huh?" Phoenix cocks a brow, the smaller turns around with a blush.

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