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"Hey," a shaking, unsure hand comes down to clap atop a bare naked shoulder.

Josh, who's shoulder Tyler's hand was placed upon, creeps his gaze up and over his shoulder, giving a furrowed brow.

"You okay?" Tyler questions, concern knitting his own brows together, Josh chewing the inside of his mouth with a thought. "You didn't hurt me,  you know..."

"Of course I did Tyler please don't lie, but hey, I'm fine," It's a clenched teeth reply, one that seemed awkwardly forced, Tyler stepping back.

A moment of shared silence graces the pair, Tyler shuffling from one foot to the next, scratching a nonexistent itch on the back of his neck.

"I'll leave you alone-"

"I want to make love,"

The silence returns, Tyler now staring at Josh's back, before he turns, then eye contact takes over and Tyler wishes he could just stare at Josh's back instead.

"I've never done it, I just, fuck,"

"Surely with Brendon-"

"I said I've never done it, Tyler." Josh snaps, his posture staunch, and defensive.

Tyler licks his lips as he searches for a reply.

Part of him, mostly all of him, craves sexual attention, he knows he shouldn't yet he always does. So part of him is willing to suggest a more passionate sex.

The other part, tells him to run, to hang his head in shame for what he had done, his actions would be frowned upon by even the most accepting.

Yeah, fucking a serial killer, who's also your only friend that you've ever had's boyfriend, Tyler, actual top notch idea, he berates himself, but blows it off.

He puffs his chest out, ready for the question, but it struggles past his lips.

"I'll make love to you,"

In an instant, his stomach drops. The question should never had escaped.

Tyler never wanted to make love, he never even wanted to let what ever the fuck Josh did before to happen.

With the completely unthought out plan coming undone right underneath him, he almost wants to cry as two soft hands lay him back down onto the bed.

Genuinely, all Tyler wanted was Brendon safe, he was convinced if he used his only good skill, getting people to fuck him, then perhaps Josh would agree.

But it was meant as a one time thing, now he's trapped underneath an incredibly sexy yet terrifying man.

Which would usually be Tyler's Saturday night, this was different.

The door clicks shut, a jingle of keys eludes to the fact that someone was entering the apartment, yet no ears hear the feeble warning.

Brendon, sweat slick and flustered, bustles in through the front door of the shop, armfuls of boxes packed heavily with supplies and parts.

He places the load of boxes atop the counter, spinning to exit and collect more but is stopped dead by the sound of an extremely loud thump upstairs.

He pauses for a moment to listen, he hears quieter thumps.

With a suspicious squint, he wipes the sweat off his brow as he travels towards the upstairs door, carefully cracking it open.

Quiet whispering float out the open bedroom door, the pit within Brendon telling him to be afraid pools deeper and deeper as he approaches.

Then that pit drops, his hand flies to his mouth.

He doesn't make a sound, only stares, stares at Tyler, distant and disconnected from the situation as he stares at the ceiling, dead still as Josh works his magic.

A soft, undeniably pleased whimper shudders out of Tyler's rib cage, Brendon knows Josh is too good to resist, wanting him or not.

Brendon can't help to watch the entire thing, tears threatening the corners of his eyes, daring to spill.

As he goes to back out, he takes one last glance at Tyler, who stares right back at him.

Brendon pauses, Tyler mouths the only thing he can think of to end the situation.

"Help... me..."

Brendon turns tail, he sprints down the stairs and hears his name called.

He ignores it, he can't stop the tears now.

Bursting out onto the street, Brendon startled several passerby's with his sudden exit, but he can only stand for a moment, unsure where to go.

It's a quick thought, one so quick that Brendon begins running down the street before he could even plan out anything.

"He fucking heard it I know he did," Josh paces, combing his fingers through his hair.

Tyler, naked with a silken sheet draped over his lower half, can only sit in the bed, blank faced.

"Fuck, fuck this was such a bad fucking idea we should have never, you should've never- I mean what the fuck is wrong with me?!"

Tyler can't answer, he only stands, walks into the kitchen and begins to fill the kettle, placing it atop the burner, striking a match to ignite the flame underneath.

Standing and watching the pot boil, Tyler can hear Josh's deluded ramblings and cursing from the bedroom.

Slowly, the kettle reaches a high screech, Tyler quickly removing it to begin pouring a cup of coffee.

With the sound interrupting Josh's thoughts, he rushes out of the bedroom, catching himself on the door frame, he pauses and observes Tyler stirring milk into his cup.

"Wh- what the hell are you doing?"

Tyler carefully picks up his cup, walks to the dining table and takes a sit, takes a sip, and lets his eyes fall to Josh, but not a sound escapes his lips.

"Hey don't treat me like the bad guy here!" Josh steps out, but stops at the look he receives from Tyler.

"But you are the bad guy, you are the literal definition of a bad person. You killed a girl because you cheated a guy and couldn't live with yourself, you killed a whole house full of people-"

"Hey no that was for Brendon-"

"Who you met five minutes ago? You have a weird obsession with making dudes look like girls, you kidnap and torture, you're a really fucking bad person. I didn't make you out to be shit," the words pour from Tyler's mouth, Josh wants them to stop but he can't say a word.

An awkward, strangled sound comes from the fire headed man, Tyler only scoffs.

"Wouldn't be surprised if Brendon is at the station right now shouting out your name for all to know, now excuse me while I finish my coffee, I haven't slept in two days, yet again another bad thing about you," he sighs and sips.

Josh, stuck frozen to the floor, floods with billions of thoughts at the same time.

Brendon wouldn't turn him in, he thought, but a part of him knew that's exactly what he was doing.

Like a spark of lightening had set his ass on fire, Josh runs into the bedroom, scooping up cash, his favourite teddy, and on his way out he takes his most valued item.


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