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The song blasting throughout the tiny perhaps scared the living daylights out of Brendon more than how fast they had begun to speed down the empty highway, the trees either side of the road fly by in a brown and green blur.

Josh, with teeth gritted and tears rolling down each cheek, grips the gear stick, snapping it into another gear before he begins to belt out the song, happily laughing, slapping the steering wheel, he wouldn't stop screaming and Brendon could do nothing.

Every now and then he would reach over to shake Brendon, belting out the horrific lyrics into his red, wet face, making sure he stayed terrified, making sure he knew he couldn't try a single thing to get out of the current situation.

Duct tape wrapped tightly around his entire head, covering his mouth, with wrists fixed together with the silver demon that prevented any crying, Brendon could only shake in the passenger side of the high velocity car.

Peeking over his seat, laying in the back was the woman Brendon had only met a few minutes ago, leaking brain matter and plasma down the leather seats.

She wasn't moving, he knew she was dead, and he feared that he would be next, but Josh had another plan.

Looking back to the aforementioned, Brendon begins to mumble, attempting to communicate that he wouldn't tell a soul about this if he were just let go, though he planned to definitely out the killer.

Josh only shoots him a wild glance, an animalistic glint within those gorgeous caramel chocolate swirled eyes that only moments before, Brendon had been loving staring in to, and they too, had lovingly stared back, but now they only held terror and death inside.

Where that body lay, he had lay, and he wanted out of the vessel travelling a million miles an hour down the long stretch of road before them, the darkness surrounding swallowing up the car.

Before Brendon can make another sound, the car suddenly swerves into the tree line, meticulously dodging anything coming at them, tires screeching along the wet leaves, shredding up mother nature's beauty.

Once far enough into the wooded area, Josh slams the breaks on, the handbreak almost snapping under the force of him pulling it up, the car skids for a moment before it stops.

They sit for a moment, Brendon clutching his bound wrists up against his chest, cautiously observing the red headed killers next move.

The music had died once the car had been switched off, now in darkness and silence, Josh's adagio glance towards the kidnaped Brendon sends a pool consternation into his stomach, flooding through the entirety of his system, locking up his joints so when Josh reaches across and grips his forearms, dragging him across the centre console and out the drivers side, he cannot move or fight back, limply falling to the dirty forest floor.

The side of his head collides with the mud, but he doesn't dare pick himself up, only heavily respiring with chest pumping hard, heart smashing against his ribs with every frightened beat it gave.

He watches as Josh drags the corpse from the back seat, her crushed skull splattering against the cold ground, and across the leaves towards a tree, where he promptly props her up, making his way towards the car where he roots through the trunk to dig out a hoe.

Brendon watches on with dirt and hair covering the majority of his right eye, attempting to hold his head up.

Josh spies the struggle and helps him into his knees, where he lovingly brushes the hair from his face, running bloody fingers down his cheeks.

When Brendon pulls away, he's unexpectedly slapped across the face, only for the psychotic man to quickly grab either side of said face and gaze into his eyes.

"Sorry to hurt you dollface, I didn't mean it," he pats him like a small animal, tilting his head, he absentmindedly tugs at the duct tape over his mouth. "I should really get this off huh? Will you scream?"

Brendon assuredly shakes his head no and he truly meant it. He had no plans to die today.

Tearing the tape away, Brendon quickly inspires through his dry mouth, attempting to fill his empty lungs with something other than stupefaction.

Minutes into watching Josh dig a hole, Brendon finally builds courage to question the man.

"Have you done this before...?"

Josh sighs, swinging the hoe high before bringing it down to tear up the earth.

"A couple times, they deserved it a lot more than Debbie ever did," a sigh slips from his lips before he swings again.

Brendon swallows thick saliva, chewing his lower lip.

"Are you going to do that to me?" Nodding towards the dead woman, Josh looks to her than back to him, smiling.

Brendon trembles at the simple gesture, 'twas too unnerving for the situation at hand.

"Sweetheart, you're not nearly as much of a nuisance," he laughs, and Brendon shivers.

"Weren't you engaged? Why would you want to marry her if you hated her so much?"

Blowing strands of red from his face, Josh pauses for a moment, leaning on the handle of the tool, he rests from digging to converse with Brendon.

"See dollface, I loved her, I did. But before the untimely demise of miss Deborah, we would only ever argue, bicker. Before I came out tonight, we argued. You wanna know what about?"

Brendon shrugs, he didn't really have a choice.

"She told me I acted exactly like my father, because I wanted to drink. She didn't understand, I could never explain, my father..." he looks up to the sky for a moment, before he pulls his shirt up and turns his back to Brendon. "Helped people give me these,"

Staring him in the face were dozens of deep purple scars littering his back. Brendon flinches at the sight.

"I'm not like my father, I don't want to hurt people, but..."

"You can't help it..." Brendon bows his head, Josh's own snapping up to curiously study him.

"Something like that,"

"I know how you feel," Brendon sighs. "But I wish I had your courage. You got rid of the ones who had hurt you, all I did was run away like a baby,"

Josh angrily swallows the inundate rage within his throat.

"Someone hurt you too?"

"A lot of someone's,"

He walks over, squats in front of Brendon and carefully lifts his face.

"Would you feel better if they were all gone?"

The brunette can only half heartedly nod, still not entirely okay with being within the presence of Josh.

Twisting and chewing the inside of his mouth with a thought that burned behind his scorched iris', Josh nods slow for a moment.

"If you trust me, I can make that happen,"

Brendon squints at him, looking to the dirt for a rational thought.


Now he looks back to Josh.

"Trust me dollface, you haven't hurt me, I won't hurt you, I can do this for you and it'll be the last you see of me, I can see the pain in you, and you can be free of that, no skin off my teeth, promise," with a warm smile, Brendon nods with an agreement.

"Sure, but we forget the sex, we forget each other," as Josh opens his mouth to speak, Brendon silences him. "But, you let me help get rid of her. The hole will get caught quicker than you can say 'shallow grave',"

He laughs, agrees, and cuts his bindings.

Brendon stands up, rubbing his wrists, staring at the corpse. It wasn't the first time he'd been around dead things but it was the first dead human, but with Josh by his side, it didn't really seem to bother him.

He thinks for a moment, before he looks to Josh.

"We're going to need a barrel,"

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