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"You sure do live far away,"

Brendon rolls his eyes with feet upon the dashboard, he wraps his arms protectively around his torso, squeezing tight as some sort of brace against the bitterly chill winds biting his cheeks and arms, the car windows rolled down and were obviously staying that way until otherwise instructed.

Though Brendon had been the one kidnaped, his comfort had been pushed to the back burner, for all Josh cared for at this moment was finding whoever had hurt the precious human he seemed to enjoy the company of, and hurt them just as bad.

Or worse, he didn't mind.

"Yeah well, let's keep the talking to a minimum until we get there alright?" He sighs, reaching across to the cup holder and plucking up the almost empty carton of cigarettes.

Josh watches this from the corner of his eye, a small, affectionate smirk plays on his lips.

"You know, you should ask before you take things," he jests, turning to give a grin to the stone faced brunette.

"You didn't ask when you took me, just shoved me in the car, so I think you can spare a cigarette for that,"

Josh's smile withdraws from his face tout de suite, a sort of regret mixed with dejection replaces it, before he turns his eyes back to the road.

He couldn't understand it, he was willing to help this beautiful creature at the drop of a hat, but the cold and ungrateful response had turned him off from the idea.

With teeth grit, knuckles white around the steering wheel, he inhales a secondhand cloud of smoke before snapping towards Brendon.

"Why are you so upset?"

A laugh bursts from Brendon's chest, it's one of disbelief, seeking some sort of hint that the man beside him was joking yet again.

When their eyes connect and Brendon sees no humour behind them, he scoffs.

"Look, why you care about me, I don't know, I don't particularly care, but let's go back to not talking,"

"I don't mean to annoy you," Josh sighs, focused on only the road, now refusing to glance back to Brendon.

There's a silence that creeps up, increasing the anxiety within Josh's chest, he so desperately needed a response, validation.

He wasn't stupid and he knew what he had done was undeniably wrong in all senses of the word, but he didn't want Brendon to hate him.

His unquenchable need to be loved and listened to had ironically begun to drown him, it was something his now deceased ex-fiancé had never given him, but for those blissful, achingly intimate minutes he had spent with Brendon, it had only just given him a taste of what he really needed.

He had never quite had the guts to achieve exactly what he wanted, and he wanted someone who wouldn't hurt him, that's what Brendon had shown. He'd shown a nurturing characteristic Josh had never known.

Debbie wasn't a long term plan, a sort of accident that he had rolled with in hopes it would fix itself, but the he found something that was better than that little mistake.

He couldn't let that escape him, so he would do whatever this boy wanted just to keep him, so if that meant knocking a few heads together to please him, he'd do it.

Plus, though he wouldn't openly admit it, sometimes hurting others was a little fun.

Within context.

"You don't annoy me, surprisingly,"

"Are you scared of me?" He spits out just as Brendon finishes his own sentence, leaving the brunette awkwardly, yet somewhat amused by how flustered he seemed to make the red haired man.

"Takes a lot to scare me these days,"

Josh nods with understanding, lighting his own cigarette.

"Me too,"

"Didn't think you were the type to scare easily," Brendon smirks, let's the air fall silent before he lunges toward Josh. "Boo!"

Josh, without so much of flinch towards the action, slowly turns toward Brendon as he, equally as slowly, retreats into his own seat, now uncomfortable.

"First of all," Josh sighs. "If you ever do that again, I will punch you right in the face," he draws in a breath of toxic smoke, huffing it towards Brendon. "Secondly I am driving, do you want us both to die?"

Brendon shakes his head, stifling laughter under his hand.

"Oh so it's funny now?"

"I'm not laughing!" Brendon blatantly lies, almost choking upon his own suppressed chuckles. "Okay maybe it's a little funny,"

Josh pokes his tongue out childishly, and hears yet another giggle from Brendon.

The pair giggle until they both fall silent, only the sound of the wind rushing by them invaded the quietude of the quaint little road trip.

"What did they do to you?"

The question, dropped like a bombshell on Brendon, is so unexpected that Brendon straightens his posture, feet flat to the car floor.

He sniffs for a second, glancing out the window.

"You'll never find them all, but the few I know, they should be there-"

"Answer the question," Josh snaps, and Brendon physically jumps at the harshness of his words.

"Just, stuff, my ex and my dads friends, dad only watched, he didn't help me. He told them to... I felt so dirty for so long, I felt like I had done something wrong, like it was all my fault," pulling his knees to his chest, he cuddles himself. "Maybe it was my fault, I don't know,"

"It wasn't," Josh assures. "It wasn't." This time, Brendon believes him, turning his head away from Josh just before he started to cry.

"You were the first I've had since then,
I'm glad you were patient,"

"Hey it's better when the person is actually into it," Josh shrugs, Brendon smirking.

"Well, for the record, I was very much into it,"

"Yeah dollface I know, 'oh fuck so big! You're gonna tear me in half!' And that 'oh god Joshy I'm gonna cum but keep going I wanna cum again', were pretty clear indications that you were into it," that sly little smirk creeps back onto Josh's lips, Brendon huffing embarrassment with his cheeks glowing hot can only simper back.

But his expression instantly turns sour once he looks out the window again.

"There, that's it," he points his entire arm out the window, peering over his shoulder to Josh, catching an unreadable yet stiff jawed state from Josh.

He wasn't glaring at Brendon, but at the house.

"We should park on the road for now, I don't know who could be up-" Brendon pauses, fixated on a black vehicle parked at the top of the driveway.

He pops the door and takes off running up the impossibly long driveway.

"Hey! Hey dollface wait!" Josh jumps out and takes off after him, barely able to keep up with the more athletic of the two.

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