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Heaving breaths tear their way from Tyler's burning lungs, sweat beads down his forehead and mixes with the salty tears cascading down his cheeks.

The figure he attacked lays still on the floor, Tyler can just barely see the crimson pool swirl between the cracks of the concrete, the mini rivers glow ruby under the pale moonlight.

Unable to move, or talk, Tyler stands with the knife clutched in his hands, before his fingers grow limp and weak with fear.

The metal clatters to the ground releasing a horrifically loud clang.

Then he drops to his knees, and watches the blood drip from his hands, and how stained his dress was becoming.

Slowly, Tyler chuckles, before the chuckle turns in laughter, and the laughter into cackling, throwing his head back with those briny streams pouring down his exposed neck and down the front of his dress.

The laughter dies out and turns to quiet sobs, finally he supports his lead heavy head between both palms and lets himself weep.

That's when another figure descends the stairs and enters the room, Tyler slowly but surely peeking up between his bloodied fingers.


The figure stares at the frail boy on the floor before looking towards the body upon the cold ground, then continues further into the room.

It pauses and pulls the cord dangling from the ceiling, several bright fluorescent lights flicker for a few epileptic moments before remaining still, and illuminating the room.

Before Tyler lies a body, throat slit wide open, blood still gushing from the wound but slower now.

Two glazed eyes are fixated on Tyler, before it clicks that those are the eyes of his own father.

Hyperventilating is the first thing Tyler begins to do, shaking follows as he cups his mouth with screams trapped behind his own horror.

He barely notices that Josh is the one still with the light cord wrapped around his fingers, but even Josh is shocked at the sight.

Brendon hurries into the room now, pausing directly in front of Chris's body before he accidentally steps on him.

"Ew," scrunching his nose up the brunette turns to look at the tan kid on his knees a few feet from the body. "Oh no,"

"That was going to be me," Josh mumbles, Brendon paying no attention as he steps over the body towards Tyler, crouching so he is eye level.

The tan brunette can only remain fixated on his fathers corpse, Brendon's soft hands pull his head away from the sight.

"It's okay Tyler, it's all just a bad dream," Brendon soothes sweetly, words melting Tyler's fear the smallest amount.

Brendon pulls him in close and cradles his head upon his chest, rocking him slightly.

"It's all just a dream Tyler, you're gonna wake up soon,"

Tyler nods and sniffles until a raw image of himself plunging the knife through his father rips through the soothing thought and he struggles against Brendon, screaming profanity and denials.

Brendon falls back on his butt, scowling at the boy.

"I'm trying to help you!" He hisses and stands, brushing himself as he eyes the balled up foetus position Tyler rocked himself back and forth in. "Fuck you then,"

Brendon draws his attention to Josh, who only stood, and stared with his usual expressionless gaze, until he looks up and locks eyes with his lover.

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