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"You sure you're okay to drive?" A soft, beautiful raven haired boy nervously, drunkenly fiddles with the other mans hands.

The shorter, pressed against an old beat up car, and a beautifully addictive taller man firmly grips the smaller's waist with nose buried under his company's jawline, both giggle with intoxication, swaying side to side marginally.

The two bodies meld together under the barely there kiss of a pale amber street lamp, reluctantly part for a brief moment, the older and taller of the two, Josh, takes a second to eye off the other man before him.

Josh, the more unusual one of the two,  evident by how immediately clingy and obsessed he had seemed to have become over Brendon in the short time of meeting him, gently moves his hands to interlock fingers, pushing those linked hands into Brendon's chest, smooth lips skilled with bare skin glide across the pale canvas of Brendon's throat, stopping to suck a bruise into the perfect skin.

"Relax dollface, I've had way less than you, we should just go somewhere and see what happens,"

Pushing Josh back momentarily, Brendon's expression screws up at the idea.

He liked the attention he was receiving, he liked kisses and cuddles, but he surely wasn't ready to try it on with another man.

Any experience prior had become a thick black cloud draped around Brendon's skull, thunder strikes echoed throughout his bones whenever someone would attempt to become intimate with him and he would recoil, cry, Brendon would totally and utterly fail to function as a proper human for a few fleeting moments.

Those around him, usually ones attempting some shady shit that Brendon would not stand for, would end up hurt.

Very, very hurt.

"Mm, I don't know, perhaps we could-"

"We could just talk? I'm not expecting a single thing dollface," Josh interrupts before Brendon can conclude and sure enough it was a perfectly worded reassurance that he possibly didn't have anything to worry about.


"Okay sure but if you try me I'll skin you alive," with a soft giggle, Brendon agrees, stepping back from the car only for Josh to open the door.

"Beauty before age," a grin warms Brendon's heart, it flutters, and he wants to reach inside his chest to stop it.

He had fallen too hard too fast in the past and he knew where it led, though the handsome, red haired stranger he knew as Josh seemed to be quickly becoming an exception.

As the pair comfortably sink into their respective seats, Josh nearly knocking heads with Brendon after dropping a CD which they both reached for, their journey begins to start, Brendon patting his knees and bopping along to the music quietly humming out of the radio.

"So, you said you were new here?" Josh begins, turning the music down slightly.

"Yeah, yep just got here today, used to live here a long time ago, but uh, I don't remember it," Brendon turns to gander out the window, more street lamps and other flashing neons signs pass by, too many strip clubs to count.

The area they drove through wasn't exactly the most respectable place.

"You don't have a boyfriend do you? Not some some runaway kid that's gonna get me killed?" Josh glances over to his passenger, who glances back with equally as furrowed brows.

"No? I just had to leave some things behind, rather not go into it,"

"Yeah we all have a past," Josh sighs.

"Yeah you can say that again," Brendon also sighs and the two look over to eachother with looks meetinghalf way.

A hot blush creeps across the diamond cut cheeks on Brendon's face, a soft baby pink hue filling them up, shying away as little upper toothed grin pulls his face into a stunning red splotched grin.

Josh, watching this entire thing, feels as if he's just landed the most attractive person in the world.

He wasn't sure, couldn't quite place a finger on to exactly why but the Brendon person sitting across from him had entranced, captivated Josh, he was one hundred percent sure he couldn't let this one go.

There was a something, a little spark of uniqueness that Josh craved, and he was ready to do everything to make sure Brendon felt the same.

"You want to just, park somewhere, talk?" The fire haired man finally interjects the static buzz of silence, watching as Brendon stares out the window, cheek bones sharp under thinning light spilling through the cool barrier of glass with Brendon's forehead rested against it.

Brendon looks back over once again to find Joshs eyes already on him, licking his drying lips with rattled nerves from the question before he replies.

"You're not going to be like everyone else and pressure me to fuck you?"

Taken aback by the brutal statement, Josh furiously shakes his head no, bewilderment upon his gorgeous face.

"I don't care for that? I like talking, we'll do what you want not what I want,"

Blinkers tick tick as they turn into an empty car park not too far from the club they had just occupied, the car shuts off, and it's silent.

"W-well, you wanna talk so, let's talk, why do you even still want me in the car if I won't sleep with you?"

"Brendon, I'm not that kind of guy, I promise, I don't know who you've been with in the past, but I don't see you as just a body to use for a night. It's stupid and I sound crazy, but as soon as I saw you tonight, I knew, thought to myself, I can't let this one leave, he's got something I'm missing and..." Josh trails off, before he can think of what to say, Brendon leans forward to place a quick, shy kiss to the corner of Josh's mouth.

Shocked, Josh cocks his head at Brendon, watching as he shoves his hands between his thighs with a little squeeze, head dipped in submission before he peers through his lashes, batting them in what felt like slow motion.

"You wanna get in the back seat and fuck me like a whore Mr.?"

Josh's eyes pop open, taken aback, he looks out the windshield then quickly snaps back to Brendon, a sly smile creeping up his face.



Hello my lovelies! Hope you're all doing good today.

Just want to let y'all know that I really appreciate comments from you, I love seeing who reads my shitty writing.

I'll always reply to everyone as best I can, so I encourage comments.

Wish I could tell y'all about my really fucking weird dream last night but I'll leave this here.

Stay safe, stay alive, I'll see ya when I'm looking at ya xx

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