October 7, 2017 - I'm F***ing Tired of Male Gamers, But Some Are Changing

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So, there is this video circulating around on Facebook right now that's about Male vs. Female Gamers... I won't be posting it in this chapter or anywhere else. We don't need to spread more sexism around...

It was just so fucking stereotypical. Pink everything, big chested chicks, and girl's being portrayed as pieces of gaming shit. I am so fucking tired of misogynistic assholes feeling so high just because they're males.

The gaming industry is one of the closest industries to my heart. I have been playing games for as long as I can remember. I was raised in family that has been gaming even before video games were a thing and the only thing we had were cards and chess. It is in my genetics for both sides to game, so it's really hurtful when there is so much hate towards my gender. In my family we all play games. We're equal. It really, really hurts when people are cruel towards me and my fellow females. I'm literally almost crying right now.

I'm just so tired of it. Part of the reason I left my school's joke of a Gamer's Club is because it is a male dominated shit hole that can only focus on two fucking games. If you play single player games or just suck at multiplayer games, fuck you. You aren't important and you should probably just go home. There were so many rude and sexist people back when I was in it. The other people just didn't seem to think they were sexist...

I hate that I've been trying to defend so many male gamers, and even some female gamers, for so long. I hate wasting my breath on people who don't deserve my attention, care, or thought. At this point, there is no doubt in my mind what I'm fucking doing with my life. I will be going into the gaming industry and I will be making a change. Even if that change is small, at least it will be something.

Not all male gamers are like that. My one friend especially isn't. He just finds female gamers attractive. He's really innocent, and I really appreciate him for it. I just wish more male gamers could be like him...

So to any male gamers who feel pissed at this, feel free to leave your bullshit comments below. Just continue to fuel my fire.

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