June 18, 2018 - Graduation & Other Stuffs

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God. I haven't posted in so long. I don't know where to begin, but I guess it'll come to me as I go along.

I'll start with stuff on Momo... It'll be three weeks tomorrow. I don't cry as much about it anymore, but it just won't click in my head. Most of the time I don't think about her. I have to actively think about her in order to picture her. Either that or look at a picture of her...

I visit her grave most days. We planted some flowers on top of it and they're growing pretty well. One is about a half of a foot tall. They're growing amazingly. I've always been amazed how death seems to make plants grow well. I think it's a great way to remember her... I miss her so much... There are so many things in my house that make me think of her... I just keep expecting her to come into my room or meow when I'm in the kitchen or meow at me around noon... It's all so strange right now...

Graduation was interesting... I lie. It was boring and then it rained at the end. THERE WERE SO MANY BULLSHIT SPEECHES IT ISN'T EVEN FUNNY. The only speech I didn't mind was our salutatorian's speech. I've been friends with him since I was four and he has never ceased to make me laugh. He's one of the funniest people I know. That was it for the speeches, though. The rest of them were long and boring. I mean, the class officers had long-winded speeches about freshman through senior year... The biggest problem in their air-headed minds was homework... God, they are so fucking annoying and stupid...

ANYWAYS, the ceremony went on so long that it poured on us afterward. Right as the last person got their diploma it poured.  We were all running and trying to protect our diplomas. It was pretty funny, if you completely ignore the part where the girls were in all white... Luckily the gowns were really thick so nothing really showed. Thank goodness...

But yeah. I went out to eat at Applebee's after the weather calmed down and took it easy. I slept the next few days and didn't do much. The following Thursday after graduation I went to the beach with my friends. It was fun. I collected TONS of shells and we dug a hole so deep we hit water. Our holes kept collapsing, though... We also went to a free book drop, the library, and a bookstore. If you can't tell, we were all nerdy honor students. We didn't buy half of it, though, because it was all so expensive... Beach prices...

That Saturday I went to TWO graduation parties. I went to my best male friend's party, where he had all his art on display outside... Of course it was supposed to rain, though, so we brought it inside. It didn't rain for another hour or so... We could have kept it out longer, but c'est la vie. We four still enjoyed ourselves, though. I mean, there were more than four people at the party, but the bulk of it was his family. Our group wise, it was me, him, and two of our other friends. He kinda got dragged away by his family, so me and the other two snuck upstairs since we were all having anxiety.

I left around 4:30, picked up one of my friends, and went to another friend's party. That was really fun. Being that she's the mayor's daughter, it was really nice. It was actually held at our local fire-hall. They played music, and I got to dance to the Cupid Shuffle and Cha Cha Slide. That was really fun. We got to eat a lot of food, too, and I got to hang out with my friends. The mayor even talked to my one friend since she is a social studies nerd, and then he got the vice mayor to come over and talk to us. I was mostly paying attention... Mostly... But yeah, that party was fun.

I went to a pretty exciting appointment last Wednesday. I love this one chica I met. She's really cool. More on that another time. :P

And then finally Saturday was my best friend's pool party... I had some fun, but it was hard having my best friend not there for most of it since she secluded herself inside to blow balloons... at a pool party... I swam and hung out with my other friends, but I still wanted to hang out with her... I said maybe one or two things to her... I don't know why... Anyways, I tried crab for the first time. I DON'T LIKE IT. Just thinking about it makes me sick. I do not like seafood. Bleck.

But yeah, I was pretty bummed after that. I slept and it helped, but it still sucked. On top of another matter, I wasn't really in a good mood...

I stopped my relationship with one of my friends. I won't go into detail. It just wasn't good for either of us and I called it off. It wasn't an easy decision, but there's just a point where you have to say enough is enough. Like I told them, maybe farther down the road I'll be okay to talk again, but right now I'm just not in the right place mentally or emotionally. It is what it is.

So yeah. That's been my summer so far (minus mentioning my sunburn and tan I now have :P). But yeah. I'm waiting for the exciting stuff I have planned June 7 and one more graduation party on the 30th. I'M HYPE FOR JUNE 7 AND I CAN'T SAY WHY YET!! I definitely will be explaining it afterwards, though. :D

My goal for the summer is survive, get a job, get my graduation present, get a computer, pay my school payments, get a true tan, and then move out. I CAN'T WAIT TILL AUGUST 25TH. I'M GOING TO BE SO HYPER THAT DAY! MOVE OUT DAY!!

So yeah. That's my life. I have two special chapters of this coming up, so be on the look out for those. I might post them right after this, or it might be three weeks from now. We'll see.

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