Give Me All You Got, I Can Take It

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Gerard's POV:

I didn't see Frank at lunch. He didn't answered his phone. I was kinda worried. But I knew that everything was fine, so I just ignored my "but what if?" thoughts and continued my day.

At lunch, Mikey, Ray and I agreed to meet at the Chemistry classroom when the classes ended, so we could see our test results together. I was expecting an F anyway.

At the end of the day, I entered the Chemistry classroom, hoping that one of the boys had met with Frank and told him our plan.

I sat there and waited for a while. Checked my phone. No messages. Finally, my curiosity won and I opened the test without them. There was a big F in red paint there.

"Yes!" I cheered, sarcastically. But, suddenly, I turned around, just to have my face hit by a fist.

I held my nose with my hand, feeling the blood coming out. I wasn't understanding anything. Then, hands grabbed me by the collar.

"Way." Said Blake. He wasn't happy. At. All. "Where's Iero?"

Why was he looking for Frank? What had he done? That's why he was missing all day?

"Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you."

He punched me again and I saw stars. But I wasn't giving in.

"Are you going to stop being the funny one now?" he asked.

"Let me go and I'll answer."

"I don't have time for your games right now, Way." He was almost spitting in anger. "If you don't tell me where he is..."

I didn't know where all that courage came from. But the thing was: I was tired of being so scared all the time. I was not going to let him go unpunished this time.

"You'll have to kill me first." I smiled.

When he tried to punch me again, I threw my body down and he punched the air.

"Get him!" I heard Blake scream, but I was already out of the classroom. Leaving the room in a rush, I ended up crashing into someone.

"Gee?" Frank said, worried. Mikey and Ray were right behind him. "Why is your nose bleeding?"

Everything happened so fast. All at the same time, Carter and Jason came from across the hall and grabbed me. Blake left the Chemistry classroom and appeared in the corridor. He was looking for me, but, when he saw Frank, his expression changed.


Frank's eyes widened. But, instead of running away, he stayed.

"I have zero regrets." He smiled, making Blake even angrier.

"It was just a jump scare, Blake, get over it." Ray said. Jump scare? I was the only one who had no idea of what was happening?

"Shut up, fro faggot." Blake turned to the rest of the Jocks behind me. "End them. But leave Iero to me."

The moment Blake turned around to face Frank again, this one was already with his fist raised.

Everyone gasped.

Blake put his hands on his nose. For a few seconds, the corridor was pure silence.

"You are dead." He said.

"I know." Frank finished.

And the chaos began.

I don't know what happened to us that day. The thing was: we were done being afraid. We were tired of being punching bags. That day, we wanted revenge.

Carter and Jason dropped me, but, before they could do anything, I punched Carter in the cheek. His head turned aside.

"I'm going to kill you, Way!"

The entire corridor was a mess. I could see Mikey fighting Sam, Ray with Zach, Carter coming after me, Blake and Frank breaking up in the punches... And I never felt more alive.

The feeling of not only being prey, not only hiding all the time, not being afraid. It was everything I wanted, everything I needed. It made me feel new again. Like I had a chance.

On the other hand, taking punches in all parts of your body was not the best of sensations. I won't lie I was actually relieved when Mr. Olson appeared at the corridor, screaming.

"What is going on here?" he said so loud that we all stopped what we were doing.

Carter was pressing me against the lockers and ready to punch me one more time. Zach and Sam were kicking Ray on the floor, but Mikey was behind them, about to throw a chair on them. Jason was trying to impede him. Blake and Frank were rolling on the floor.

Mr. Olson stopped for a while, thinking what to do. Finally, he sighed.

"Go to the nursery and then go to the principal's office."

The two groups split up and we obeyed. While walking, I whispered to Frank.

"You have a LOT of explaining to do."

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