Kiss Me, You Animal

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Frank's POV:

Once everybody went their ways, I went to the gymnasium. Since the hockey and football games were close, the principal was allowing the Jocks and cheerleaders to miss class and practice. Of course he was. His favorite students. They could do whatever they wanted.

My part of the plan was to keep an eye out on the Jocks. They were supposed to be there until lunchtime. If only one of them discovered the plan, we were doomed. They would ruin everything. My job was to make sure that didn't happen.

In the gymnasium, they were all there, training. And so the cheerleaders, on the side. Mandy was there. I remembered what the guys had said on the Winter Ball night. I had thought about that. No, no possibility that she could ever have a crush on me.

I watched everything from the side of the bleachers. It was very boring. Sports suck and they weren't doing anything interesting. When it was about 10 minutes before the scheduled time, however, the Jocks began to leave the court.

"C'mon, let's get going." I heard Blake's voice. "We need to talk to the principal, he needs to get those papers of the hall passes on his office. Better if we get before lunch."

The other Jocks agreed.

I smiled. Finally something to do.

"Yo!" I said, finally showing up to them.

"What do you want, Iero?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I smiled.

They frowned.

"Iero, get the fuck out of the way before we end you. We're busy." Carter said and tried to leave.

"Whoa, friend!" I blocked his way. There was fire in his eyes. But I also had in mine. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Have you lost your mind, freak show?" Sam screamed.

"Get him already." Blake said. I ran.

And suddenly, there was a bunch of 15 Jocks chasing me.


I ran and laughed, trying to avoid them. For only more 5 minutes.

Suddenly, I was at the changing rooms. There was nowhere to run. I was trapped.

"Oh shit..." I whispered.

The Jocks were about to enter and find me, when all of the sudden, a hand grabbed my shirt behind me and pulled me.

When I realized it, I had passed through a door and fallen on the floor of the changing room... Of the girls?

I looked behind me and saw Amanda. She was wearing her blue cheerleader uniform and her short hair was trapped in a ponytail above her head with a bow of the same color. She beckoned to me, putting her index finger in front of her mouth and doing "shh," so that I would be silent. I didn't say a thing.

We could hear the voice of the Jocks going around the other changing room, searching for me. After a few seconds, they left.

I sighed, relieved.

"Thanks, Mandy. You are always saving my life."

"You should consider not getting into so much trouble."

I shrugged.

"Why all of that, anyway?"

"It's a secret, for now. You'll find out..." I looked at my watch. "Five minutes."

She frowned.

"Okay, then."

"By the way, can I stay here for these five minutes? They're probably still looking for me and I don't think they can ruin the plan anymore."

Amanda looked around, then looked at me and sighed.

"Fine. But if the other cheerleaders see you, you're dead."

"It's okay. I'll be anyway."

I smiled and the two of us sat on a bench of the changing room.

"So... How are things going?"

She shrugged.

"Same, I guess. Big game coming soon."

I nodded.

"I really don't get what's fun about sports. I don't know, I just..." I shrugged and laughed.

"Oh, some people find it cool, I guess." She also laughed. Then we were silent. "C'mon, tell me what this plan of yours is about."

"You'll find out soon. I can't spoil it."

She snorted.


And then we were silent again. But this time, we were facing each other, looking at each other's eyes.

"You know... You've got something in your eye." I said.

Amanda started getting closer to me and so did I. Suddenly, we were right in front each other, very close. She closed her eyes and, when we were less then a foot apart, I poked her eye, to take away whatever was there.

"Ouch!" she said and put her hand to her eye. I wiped the dirt on the sleeve of her coat.

It hit me that my time had probably come, so I got up and left the changing room.

The gymnasium was now empty, so I supposed the bell had already rang. A few seconds later and... Our song was playing on the speakers!

"Is that... You?" I heard a voice say behind me. It was Amanda. "That was the plan? How did you do that? The principal is gonna kill you..."

"I swear I'll explain later" I said. "But I really gotta go right now. Bye, Mandy!"

I ran towards the exit before she could even answer. 

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