I Think We Rather Be Burning Your Information

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Frank's POV:

"What happened in lunch?" I asked when I met with the guys outside the school.

"Jocks. Messing around." Mikey answered.

"Was it that bad for you to tell me to hide?"

"Not that much. But if you can avoid it..." Gerard said, and smiled to me. I smiled back.

"So you spent lunch on the bathroom?" Ray asked.

"Seems cool." Mikey added, ironically.

"Actually, it was preeeetty interesting." I said, almost singing. They frowned and I smiled. "Turns out I wasn't alone. Carter was there. And so was Courtney."

"What was she doing th-" Mikey stopped when he understood. They all raised their eyebrows.

"Doesn't she date Sam?" Ray asked.

"And Carter dates Danna." Gerard finished.

"Exactly." I smiled. "That makes it even better, doesn't it?"

They all stayed in silence, stupefied.

"I wish I had seen that." Ray said.

"Oh, no worries, my friend. I can provide the best of the views for you." I held my phone with the picture I had taken. They all exclaimed in surprise.

"No way!"

"How did you..."

"They didn't see you?" Gerard asked.

"Well, if they had, I'd probably be dead by now."

"Fair enough."

"Guys, this is, like, the perfect revenge! As I said, breaking their group from the inside! They'll be too busy fighting each other to fight us!" Mikey was really excited.

"Yes, it's awesome. But we need to use this information wisely." Gerard said. "We cant just put this picture everywhere, we need to think of a good plan to cause the most damage we can."

"I agree." I commented. "Let's keep this just between us for now. We'll use it in the right time."

The three of them nodded.

We rehearsed our songs at Gerard's garage. We were getting better every day. Playing original songs gave me the feeling My Chemical Romance was more real than just an idea, or a group of friends playing at a garage.

We took a break in the afternoon. I saw Gerard sitting on the floor, writing in his notebook. I got closer from behind and read what he had written.

I miss you

I miss you so far

And the collision of your kiss

"I'm stuck." He said, without turning to face me. "Got any ideas?"

I sat next to him and thought for a while.

"What rhymes with far?" I asked to myself. We both remained in silence.

"And the collision of your kiss... That made it... So hard?" I said.

Gerard smiled.

"I liked it."

"Really?! That's awesome!!" Mikey screamed behind us. We turned to face him and saw he was on the phone. "Thank you so much!! I'll tell them!! Thank you!" he turned to us with the biggest smile.

"What was that?" Ray asked.

"Okay, I didn't want to tell you yet because i wasn't sure if it would happen." Mikey started. "But I talked to a friend of mine who's on the Winter Ball's organization team and she manage to give us an audition to play at the ball!"

"No way!" I got up jumping and ran towards Mikey. "Really?!"

"Yeah! We'll have to play for all the organization group, and if they like it, they'll let us play there!"

"Oh, my God!" Ray screamed, too.

The three of us started talking and screaming together, until I realized Gerard still sitting on the floor, staring at us, silently.

"Gerard?" I asked. Mikey and ray stopped talking and looked at him.

"Are you okay?" Ray asked.

"Aren't you excited, Gee?" said Mikey.

"No, I am." He stood up. "It's just... Do you really think we're good enough?"

We raised our eyebrows.


"Of course!"

"Who cares?" I said. "We'll never grow as a band if we just keep playing in a garage. They might not like us, but we need to try."

"We can't let a chance like this go to waste." Mikey finished.

Gerard remained in silence for a while. Then, bowed his head and sighed. Once he raised it again, he gave us a sad smile and said "You're right."

I smiled. I knew he wasn't sure. He was insecure and didn't have faith in himself that much to sing original songs in public. But Gerard being Gerard, he was brave enough to try. That was all I needed.

I walked towards him and pulled him in a hug. Suddenly, Mikey was also hugging us, and the Ray. A group hug.

"We're gonna do it. And it's gonna be awesome." I whispered.

They all agreed. 

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