We Stole The Fire And It's Burning Bright

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Gerard's POV:

Our parents weren't exactly happy when Mikey and I told them we were suspend for three days. But I guess, after everything we went through, they understood.

Saturday afternoon, the four of us were in our garage, playing some songs just for fun. Feeling a bit bored.

"Can't believe we have four more days of pure nothing." Frank laid down on the sofa, holding his guitar. "This is more like prize instead of punishment."

"Honestly, Edwards is a jerk. He had the guts to punish us knowing he had done nothing to the Jocks." Ray commented.

"Who knows what the Jocks would have done to him if he had." Mikey laughed.

"Guess he's scared of teenagers." Frank said, and we all laughed.

"Yeah, but honestly, still unfair." continued Ray.

"Nothing about this thing is fair. But I think we did everything we could do." Finished Mikey.

"I don't." I said, suddenly. The three of them turned their heads to me. "I think we can do more."

"What do you have in mind?" my brother asked.

"Nothing right now. But we have four days to think of something. Give me some ideas."

We stayed in silence for a while, until Ray spoke.

"What went wrong with the tape thing?"

"We got caught?" Frank said.

"No. We didn't spread our idea that much. Not everybody knew that was us, and some of them might think it was just a prank. We need to make clear to the people what message we are trying to spread."

"Good. How do we do that?" Mikey asked.

"We do what we know. We play." Frank smiled. "And it has to be done quick, while the tape thing is still fresh news."

"But we can't enter the school until Thursday." Ray spoke.

I smiled.

"We don't need to enter the school."

They looked at me and frowned. But once I explained what I had in mind, they all agreed and we started working on our plan.

First of all, we needed a new song, a fresh new one. It took us all night, we only left the garage when the sun was rising. But it was worth it. We had our song.

Teenagers was a song of riot. Exactly what we needed. Summarized everything we wanted to say. We spent Sunday afternoon rehearsing, so everything on Monday would go perfectly as we planned.

Frank also gave the idea to call Amanda. A little help from the inside would be good. At first, she was hesitant. We had just been suspended and were about to put another plan into action. Edwards would probably kill us. But in the end, she agreed.

So, on Monday, we were ready.

Mikey and I planned to leave our house one hour before lunchtime. We would have enough time to meet with Frank and Ray and prepare everything.

When we were about to leave, literally opening the front door, we heard a voice behind us.

"Where are you going?"

We turned around. It was mom.

We froze.

"We are... Going to Frank's house." I invented, out of the blue.


"Rehearsal." Mikey said, immediately.

"I thought all rehearsals were here."

"We spent the entire weekend here. We thought it would be better to go somewhere else."

"You know I don't mind you rehearsing here."

"Yeah, but still... It's good to change places once in a while. And we're already late, bye, mom!" I said, very quickly. She didn't seemed convinced, but let us go. We ran and closed the door behind us.

"Fast, let's not waste anymore time." Mikey finished, and holding the stripes of his bass case firmly, we ran. 

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