Can You See? My Eyes Are Shining Bright

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Mikey's POV:

"Great. It's time, now. We all meet here in 30 minutes. Good luck."

While Gerard and Frank went their ways, Ray and I ran together to the secretary.

"Stay here" he said once we got there. "When the time is right, I'll make the sign and you come in."

"Okay." I answered.

Ray entered the secretary and I stayed outside. The only thing I had in hands was the tape we recorded; with Gerard's handwrite I'm Not Okay. I was nervous, wondering if our plan would work at all.

After a few minutes, I started hearing music. I looked at the window and saw Ray with a guitar, playing to the secretaries. What was he doing?

But, actually, the distraction worked just fine. The secretaries were now facing Ray, and had their backs to the door.

My gaze crossed Ray's and he nodded discreetly. I understood that as the sign.

I walked in, tiptoeing slowly. The ladies were too distracted singing Beatles, so they didn't see me. I passed through behind the counter, hoping they wouldn't turn around... There were a panel with various keys of the whole school hanging on the wall. I started searching for the right one.

Bathroom's keys, classroom's keys, auditorium's keys, lab's keys... Literally keys from the entire school, but none of them from the principal's office. A thought came to me. What if the principal had taken the key with him? The whole plan would be ruined. No, maybe that wasn't the case. I had to keep looking.

Suddenly, the song came to an end. Ray looked at me, frightened. I had to do something. I looked around and the only thing I could do was hide under the table next to me. It was exactly what I did.

"That was nice, Mr. Toro. Thank you very much. But we must return to work now." Said one of the ladies. She got up from her chair and was about to turn around. I froze. That was it. The end.

"No! Wait!" Ray screamed, all of the sudden. The secretaries looked a little scared. "One more song?"

"Mr. Toro, it's very kind of you, but we really need..."

"C'mon, Doris, you said you liked Beatles." Ray smiled, trying to convince them. "Besides, principal Edwards is not even here. C'mon, one more song. I swear."

Doris smiled.

"Fine, Mr. Toro, you got us." She said and sat down again. I let out the air, relieved. Ray started playing another song. I waited a few seconds, to make sure they wouldn't turn around again. Then, I got up and continued looking for the key.

There was so many keys there, and so many labels. Which of them was the one I needed, damn?

It took me a while, but finally, FINALLY I found the right one. I turned around, smiling, and showed Ray the key. I mimic to him, indicating for him to sing louder so I could open the door without being noticed.

He nodded and started singing louder. So did the ladies. I turned around and put the key in the lock. As I turned it, the door opened. I walked in and closed the door behind me, just as the music ended.

There was I. On the principal's office.

I looked at the clock on the wall and realized I only had a few minutes left. But that was enough time.

I took the tape player and tape out of my pocket. I sat in the principal's chair and began arranging and connecting the wires from the tape player to the speaker on the principal's desk.

I waited a few minutes until the time was right. My stomach turned, afraid someone would open the door and everything would go wrong. Suddenly, the bell rang. It was lunchtime. The students were leaving the classrooms.

I counted the seconds. The time has come.

I hit play.

I'm Not Okay was playing on the speakers. The whole school could hear us.

I immediately jumped out of the chair and ran to the window. It was locked inside, so I opened it and jumped. Thanks God the principal's room was on the ground, or I could not get away.

Once I was on the court, I looked both ways to make sure no one was there. Then, I ran as fast as I could, coming back to where we left and where the boys should be: the stairway.

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