The Roar Of The Crowd Gave Me The Heartache To Sing

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Gerard's POV:

When Frank entered the backstage, we were ready to go. Emily was there, coordinating and stuff. She said some guys were testing the instruments and the sound, and everything was fine.

"Wait here until I say you can go." She said before leaving the four of us alone.

We remained in silence, until Frank sighed.

"This is insane." He stopped, and then continued. "Look at how far we've come."


"And to think it all started with some instruments and a garage." Mikey said.

"And covers." Ray complemented. "Even that has changed."

Frank sighed.

"And now we're here. And I regret nothing."

"Me neither." Ray and Mikey said in unision.

I stood up. They looked at me.

"Tonight is just the beginning. The beginning of a long road. And I'm glad to have you with me."

They all stood up, too, and walked towards me. We made a circle, looked at each other and then hugged.

A few minutes later, Emily showed up.

"C'mon." she said. "It's time."

We entered the stage. People weren't paying attention, but when the guys started testing the guitars and the bass, they looked at us. Some looked confused. Others, annoyed. I felt my stomach turn when I saw the Jocks giving us a death look. But it was too late to turn back now.

And even if it wasn't, I wouldn't turn back.

"Hi, good evening." I started. All the people who weren't looking at us before were now. "We're My Chemical Romance and we are gonna play some songs to you tonight, originals and covers. This is an original song, it's called Bulletproof Heart."

The guitar started. I took a deep breath and started singing.

Don't mean too much to me
I'm who I've got to be
These pigs are after me, after you

Run away
Like it was yesterday
And we could run away
If we could run away
Run away from here

Then, the song really started, with all the instruments. I kept singing.

I got a bulletproof heart
You got a hollow point smile
Me and your runaway scars
Got a photograph dream on a getaway mile

Let's blow a hole in this town
And too much talking with a lazer beam
Gunnin' out of this place
In a bullet's embrace
Then we'll do it again

I saw the crowd getting closer to the stage. They were actually... Enjoying?

How can they say
Jenny could you come back home?
Cause everybody knows you don't
Ever wanna come back
Let me be the one to save you

Don't mean too much to me
I'm who I've got to be
These pigs are after me, after you

Run away
Like it was yesterday
When we could run away
If we could run away, run away from here

They were! Except for the Jocks and some cheerleaders, who were at the end of the gymnasium, looking at us with an angry expression. Honestly, fuck them! Everybody else was enjoying!

I'm shootin' out of this room
Because I sure would like the company
Stop your preachin' right there
'Cause I really don't care
And I'll do it again

So get me out of my head,
Cause it's getting kind of cramped, you know
Comin' ready or not
When the motor gets hot
We can do it again

The papers say
Johnny won't you come back home
Cause everybody knows you don't
Wanna give yourself up
Tell the truth and God will save you

Don't mean too much to me
I'm who I've got to be
These pigs are after me, after you

Run away
Like it was yesterday
And we could run away
If we could run away, run away from here

And we were done. Everybody cheered and clapped.

"Thank you so much!" I said and smiled. "This next one is called Thank You For The Venom."

The melody began with the guitars. I held the microphone started singing.

Sister, I'm not much a poet, but a criminal
And you never had a chance

Love it, or leave it, you can't understand
A pretty face, but you do so carry on,
and on,
and on

My gaze swept across the gymnasium to where the Jocks once stood. They were no longer there. Weird.

I wouldn't front the scene if you paid me
I'm just the way that the doctor made me, on,
and on,
and on,
and on
Love is the red of the rose on your coffin door
What's life like, bleeding on the floor,
the floor,
the floor

Suddenly, I heard noises coming from the sides of the stage. I looked and saw some Jocks hooting. I ignored and kept singing.

You'll never make me leave
I wear this on my sleeve
Give me a reason to believe

So give me all your poison
And give me all your pills
And give me all your hopeless hearts
And make me ill
You're running after something
That you'll never kill
If this is what you want
Then fire at will

But then, it happened something I couldn't ignore: the sound turned off.

No more amplifiers, speakers or microphone. No one could listen to us anymore.

I turned my back and saw that Ray, Frank and Mikey were just as confused as I was.

I looked to the left and saw people entering the stage.

"The show is over! Thank you so much!" said Blake, followed by Carter and Zach. "This clownery is over! Get out!"

He walked towards me, and the others walked to my friends. Blake took the microphone out of my hands and tested it by touching it, until it started working again.

"The show is over!" he said and dropped the microphone. The Jocks and cheerleaders in the crowd were still hooting.

I turned around and saw about four Jocks. They were pulling the instruments of my friends. Frank held the guitar firmly, and it took two Jocks to pull it off. After taking our instruments, they came towards us and started pushing us out of the stage. We struggled, but it was useless. A minute later, all of us were in the backstage again.

"Don't say we didn't warn you." It was the only thing Blake said. They dropped the guitars and the bass on the ground and left, like it wasn't a big deal. 

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