Regrets,Revenge, and Reveals

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August POV
             "Ayo where my babysista at?"Chris yelled pushing a waitress out the way. A damn shame being a thot when you post ta' be workin. I chuckled,"ummm she went to get Henny with-." I stopped mid sentence realizing she been gone fa' a hot minute now. "Ayo I be back."
     I didnt even give him time to respond before I got up. I've been smoking so im a little faded right na'.
I rushed to the elevator and did a quick prayer.
                  God, please dont let me go in dis room and see some bullshit. I will fuck shit up in dis hotel.


The elevator stopped and as im walking I see Drake closing his door. He didn't even see me. I went to me and C's room and I didnt see shawty anywhere.

"Baby?!" I called out but got no response. I went to call again until I seen a blood trail from the bathroom. "Ciara, baby?" I slowy pushed the door open preparing for the worst. That's exactly what I got. Ciara was passed out naked, and blood covered her lower body. She looked like she been drugged from place to another. She had certain things on her body to let me know she fought back. I quickly got a towel and wipped the blood from around her legs, and put my shirt off my back on her. "It's going to be ok baybeh." I ran and called the ambulance.  Under 10 minutes they arrived, people were asking questions, 5'0 was there, but all I was concerned about was getting to the hospital.


K Camp POV

    This shit crazy mane. We were just partying kicking it together now she in a hospital bed. I just lost a cousin and can't afford to lose my lil sista. That's how all the guys on tour saw ha' as. She aint really fuck with too many females, in ha' words "dey snakes and hoes." I hope she alright. We all sitting in the waiting room quite. Eric shed a few tears, we dont know why; other than him we too shocked to cry. Raven cried a lil, but she too gangster to cry in front of people. She has left to go to the bathroom 6 times. August sat in the corner by him self not talking to anyone. He looked like he was barely breathing. Chris just looked.......... I don't know honestly. It's a mix of confused and sadness and something else I couldn't finger on.

Chris POV


Eric POV

    The doctor came out and Aug and I shot up, before the doctor could finish her name.
    "Mane why you up here, cryin n' shit? What's with you?" August yelled at me . I think he's taking his anger out on me.
  "Because I'm her brother." I said simply. Yes, I'm her brother and I don't like August for ha'. I know all about her diseases and he's not healthy for her already stressful life. I've always been there.

August POV

   "Mane what you got to lie fa'?" I asked cuz he was slowly pissing me off. Eric got ready to say something till the doctor cut him off,"Are you a....," he stopped to look through some papers on his clipboard."... Eric Williams?"
"Yea dats me." I shocked as shit. I ain't know she had a brother, but this not the place nor time. "Your the boyfriend, correct?" "Yea, dats me." " the state you brought her in it was mandatory for a rape kit. Overall, there's a 100 percent Ms.Jones was raped. However, her behavior does concern me. She acts unphased by the whole ordeal. As if the situation has happened before. You guys might wanna consider a therapist in my professional opinion." "She sees one already I'll just inform the one she sees now," Eric said catching me off guard. "C-can we see her?" "Yes right this way." As we were walking we seen nurses rushing into a room. The doctor leading us ran too and I seen Ciara. The nurses and doctor let a sound of relief out. "Sweetheart, you can't do that you could've cause serious damage."

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