The Makeups and the Fuck Ups

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They sat in car and listen to music. Overall, they listened to Heaven mispronounce words to her favorite songs.

  They came to a stop and Ciara took Heaven put the car. She handed her to this man. She kissed her goodbye and started to get teary eye a little bit. August sat confused. As the man and Heaven drove away.

Ciara sat back in the car. "What the  hell was that?" "I'm confused what was what?" "Nigga don't act dumb why you just give away Heaven?" "Nigga don't try me-" "Shutup and answer the question." "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING TO? NIGGA THAT'S A FRIEND! HE HAS A DAUGHTER, THEY ARE GOING TO THE FAIR! ANYMORE MOTHA'FUCKING QUESTIONS NIGGA?!"             
   "Why were just crying den?'" August asked not quite convinced. Also not wanting to admit he was wrong.

"Nigga a eyelash fell in my eye! Ooooo you get on my nerve. Do you think I would give her away like that?"

"No! Hell No! Never! It just looked like it."

Ciara laughed at how stupid he sounded," Nigga she don't even have clothes."

"I know I'm stupid, ok? Let's go."

Shaking her head, Ciara pulled out of the parking lot to her destination.

Lance Pov

Lance Pov

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(Just in case yall forgot who my baby daddy was..)

I'm scared shitless right now. We literally just got done with her appointment and on the way back to their condo. Little does she know I have a detour.

It was getting dark outside so the time to strike is now. I pulled over to the spot and stop.

"The hell we we in the middle of the woods fa'" Her accent started to come out heavy, usually when she hungry.

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