Chapter 2: Oh My Seoul!

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Hey guys :) I hope you liked Chapter 1. Sorry for any spelling or any other mistakes I may have made. Please enjoy the upcoming parts. Gamsahamnida :)


The plane ride was so quick. All I could remember was getting in the plane, and the next thing I know, I hear the captain saying in the intercom to please fasten our seat belts because we are prepared for landing in Seoul. I probably slept the entire flight... Anyway, that would come in useful because it was going to be morning in Korea.

It felt good to set foot on a new land. Everything was so exotic and neat. However, with new countries comes the language barrier. All the signs were in Hangul, with English translations written really small, so finding my way out of the airport would have been tricky if it weren't for my Learning Korean for Dummies book. Thankfully I brought some of my friend Cerah's English to Korean books. There was no way I was going to run around in this country not knowing a single Korean word, apart from a few phrases here and there. I found my way out of the airport and into the taxi section. The weather was warmer than what I was used to back home, which felt great. I got into an empty cab and presented the driver with the address of my hotel, the Tmark Grand Hotel in Myeongdong.

"Arr yeu noo hereu( Are you new here)?," asked the taxi driver.

"Umm, yes, ajeossi (sir), I'm visiting Korea for a month," I answered.

"Ahh ye ye, whed arr yeu prohm (Ahh yes yes, where are you from)?". His English was so cute, I still couldn't get enough of the Korean accent.

"I'm from Montreal, Canada, but I was born in the Philippines," I said.

"Woah ye ye, I likeu Pilipeens (Woah yes yes, I like the Philippines)!" he said happily.

We spoke the whole ride. He took the time to tell me about the city and the places I should absolutely visit. I also looked out the window and admired how pretty the city was. There were cherry blossoms, colorful bright lights, a perfect harmony of traditional and modern buildings, and of course, a ton of celebrity billboards everywhere. It was truly beautiful.

We arrived at the hotel shortly after.

"Hedeu, misseuh, hoterr Tmark Hoterr (Here, miss, Hotel Tmark)," the cab driver announced.

"Jeongmal gamsahamnida, seonsang-nim (Thank you very much, sir)," I thanked the driver with the best Hangul I could manage. My pronunciation was understandable, but I did need some brushing up on it.

I went to the lobby and spoke with the clerk in the check-in desk. She was so pretty.

'Damn, this chick looks like she can be a Kpop star', I thought.

"Annyeonghaseyo (Hello), misseuh, how can I help you today?" she smiled, revealing her perfectly white teeth and pretty dimples.

"Hello, I'm here to check in. I have a reservation under _____."

"Ye, misseuh. You will be staying in room 1200 on the 12th floor. Here are your room keys. Please feel free to call the reception desk or a staff member if ever you should need any assistance. Please enjoy your stay here with us. Kamsahamnida," she said, and bowed politely.

"Kamsahamnida, have a good day," I replied as I took my keys and got a hold of my suitcases.

I made my way to the elevators. There was a young man, a staff member, who held the door open and pressed my floor number for me.

'What the hell, everyone in this hotel is hot!' I laughed in my head.

I got into my room and placed my things on the queen sized bed. I pulled my Sony handy-cam out of my suitcase and filmed myself as I toured around the room. In the main room was the bed with fluffy pillows and a nice pressed sheet. Near the entrance was a large mirror, and behind it was a walk-in, with a small bench attached to the wall, and another mirror. There was of course the bathroom. I went to the window and pulled the golden curtains from both sides. The view was indeed captivating. There was even a little space to sit on before the glass. This awesomeness was going to be my home for the next month.

I went ahead and jumped on the bed. It was so comfortable and squishy, and gave away the feeling that I was getting sucked into a cloud.

"Oh yes, this is the life."

It was only 11am on the clock. I decided to freshen up with a shower and a face-mask that my friend Prizzy got me as a gift when she went to Korea before heading out. I wore a high-waisted skirt and a blue top, hair-dried my hair and tied it into a large sock bun, and did my makeup. If there was one thing I learned before coming to Korea, it's that I had to actually put a lot of effort into my appearance before going out of my house. I had to do my damn eyeliner at least 3 times before finally getting them perfectly winged and symmetrical.

"Alright let's do this!" I exclaimed with relief. "First stop, breakfast then sight seeing. Let's be spontaneous. I'll worry about unpacking later."

I stuffed my handy-cam in my bag, grabbed my Canon camera and hung it around my neck, and walked out of my room. I did not come to Korea to stay in my room, after all.

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