I've had a Pretty Crappy Day

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Today started like any other day. I wake up and have an urge to kill everyone I see. Then I feel like hibernating for a decade. I get to school and today we had (technically the seventh grade had) a naturalization ceremony. I played for it during second, so I missed bio. I had to make up the work.

Next shitty thing is that I have an essay and a slide show, plus normal homework due by tomorrow (I did it). Then I have lunch. Now lunch, oh boy, it was the lowest point of today.

First, I have a lunch buddy thing I thought me a couple friends were doing today. I put my stuff in the room where we were eating and get into the lunch line. Next, a fire drill! Cutting lunch short by ten minutes! Fun, right? No!

After, I ask friend A is they were going to lunch group. Nope, they say they had to help a friend and totally didn't forget. Ha, I'm not to keen on believing that! I see friend B, I ask if they are going, nope! They need to talk to a friend. Well, aren't we friends? I'm starting to doubt it!

Next, I go to the lunch line again and get lunch. I decide to go to my other normal place where I eat lunch. I see friend A as I sign out to leave. Hey I'm really sorry I can't go! They say. It's okay, friend B isn't going either so don't worry! I say while attempting to not murder them.

I get to lunch place, friend B is there. I see no talking what so ever. Hahaha! Guess what! They say they both had other things to do, and didn't break their promise of going to the lunch group because they didn't forget. You know what? I don't believe any of that shit they are feeding me, I'm now pissed off at them and I refuse to speak to them until I get over it.

I'm not mad because they forgot, but because they broke a promise, something they said they would most definitely do, they were excited about it even! I have had so many people forget about promises they made me, that it's one of the main reason I have trouble socializing. Because I don't trust a word that the person is saying!

But my crappy day didn't end there. I have after school thing with both friends. I avoid them, yay. Get ride from grandma and don't say anything to provoke her. I get home at 3:30. I start my homework.

My mom starts yelling at me about something that I know I need to do. Dad calls, dad starts being bitch, I play it off and give the phone to mom. I continue homework. It's 4:00, I'm drowning. I've only finished math and half of one sheet of science. I take break to eat. Mom yells at me to get out of the kitchen because the stove is acting funny. Goes back to homework. Is told to get food, I get food. Continues work in room since sister is eating, but only after yelling at mom. Is in horrible mood, reduced to tears of stress. Gets to work. Finishes work at 6:00.

Gets food, watches YouTube. Feels better, sister goes to bed. Decides to make chapter. Dad calls mid way through chapter making. Dad is bitch, gets mad and semi aggressively tells dad off and goes back to chapter making. Mom comes in, makes everything worse. On brink of tears while writing chapter, continues making chapter. Finishes chapter, present time.

I'm in a horrible mood. This morning I told myself I would finish a request and a try to make a new chapter in one of my books. But I have had so much work, and everyone is telling me I need to be more productive and get on top of things.

You know what I wanna do when someone does that? I wanna shout "I KNOW THAT! THANKS SHERLOCK FOR TELLING ME MY PROBLEMS THAT I ALREADY KNEW EXISTED! I'M TRYING TO BREAK THIS HABIT OF LAZINESS, BUT ITS BECOME A GIANT HABIT THAT'S HARD TO BREAK!" It seems that everyone is so fast to point out someone else's flaws, but when someone does it to them, all of a sudden it's wrong.

I hate that, I really do. No one is honest either. I've heard people say they force themselves to do things just because others like it. I don't do it, I'll give an example just for fun. Everyone in my "friend" group really started liking Hamilton.(sorry to all Hamilton fans). I don't like it. I'm not big on plays and musicals and singing. I remember talking to this one really nice kid, they said that they had forced themselves to listen to the one song from Hamilton on the bus. I told them the truth. I don't like Hamilton that much, I'm not into plays that much. I don't really wanna force myself to like it either. That's something around the lines of what I said, it was several months ago so it's kinda foggy.

Sorry for the extremely long chapter. It's been a rough day, and this book is like a diary almost, where I right all my rants and likes. I'll probably cringe at this so much if I ever read it again. Oh well, hope you guys are having a better day, bye!

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