2017 recap

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I saw this idea and I wanna do it, except I'm not tagging anyone. But I'm going sum up my entire 2017, on Wattpad.

Month of July
This month was awesome. I created my second account! Then several days later I wrote the first part to Zodiac School of Gifted Children. I wrote a lot during then mostly because I didn't have any school and I was bored out of my mind. To my surprise, the book basically blew up. Probably because of my many updates. Although I don't like the first parts of the book, I feel that they are pointless and don't have meaning. The pace is horrible and there's no strong story plot going on in most of them. But that doesn't matter that much anyways. This was also the time where I starting meeting and finding some really cool people. And now that leads us to

Month of August
This might be one of the crazier months for me. I was still updating alot, since again I didn't have school, and I was still growing really fast, well fast for me. I loved(and still love) seeing people comment and vote on my stories. I adore interacting with everyone and having basically pointless conversations with random people. This is also when I made Zodiac One Shotz. Oh boy that book has been a trip, and yup, I'm still behind on requests. I don't think I'll ever be caught up on requests though.

Month of September
This is where everything goes down hill, but not completely. School had started and oh boy, school was a ride. It still is. I have so much work and it takes so much energy out of me. It's crazy. But I still found time to update every now and then but it is much scarcer and not as seen. But this also did not stop me from talking to my readers. I aslo got the bright idea to make yet another book, The Evil Within a Zodiac Story. What a bright idea. I made it because I have so many ideas for books and I wanted to try a slightly different style of writing. One that was more descriptive, more in depth story wise, and aslo I've completely changed the point of view. September was a good month.

Month of October
October was basically just me trying to stay afloat. A lot happened in October outside of Wattpad but I made it through. It wasn't my most productive month, but definitely not my least productive month, I mean I made this book. I made this because there was a lot of things on my mind that I just can't fit into an A/N at the end if a chapter. Bit the next month was chaos.

Month of November
Can I skip this one. I did basically nothing. I was very uninspired. I knew where I wanted to go, but not how to get there. Don't worry though I know how to get there now. Yeah, November was a sad sad month for me.

Month of December
Now it's December and I've gotten out of my slump. The holiday season arrived and I was much happier. School was let out for break and I felt like I could do so much more. And I did too. I've updated so much more, and plus I had caught up on one shot requests, then almost immediately fell behind again. Another thing happened though. Just a few days before Christmas I got 100 followers which was epic and inspired me even more! So know I'll be trying to update once a week if possible, more on that later, and I'll be a tad bit more productive. Overall 2017 was pretty good for me. It was bad, but it also was great, just good. Yes I have a scale of bad, okay, good, great and awesome. 

Now for 2018 I have no clue what's gonna happen. All I know is that January through June is gonna be jam packed with a bunch of things to do because my school has a lot of field trips for me to go on. I'm not lying either, I'm probably going somewhere every single month until school gets out, which I don't mind. Then July and August I'll be a good author again and then I doubt I'll be doing much in September through December. There's a good reason though that I'll talk about another day.

But oh whale. How was your year? Any good highlights? No, okay then. Imma get back to writing more of what I should be writing. Bye, this is the last post of 2017 in this book!

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