Bio Kid

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I was taking a test in Bio today, which is advanced science, and the kid sitting next to me was chewing on his own cap. Not just the tip, the entire freaking cap. I wanna kill someone it's so aggravating! He is an... interesting person. I don't him at all.

He also can't pronounce my name right and that is super irritating. My name is similar to another kids name, plus they look like me and for all of sixth grade everyone called me and this kid twins. Back to topic 1

This kid, I'll call him Pen chewer for now on, was swishing the cap I'm his mouth making a really loud and gross noise. I wanted to smack him and tell "WHAT ARE YOU A THREE OLD! I HOPE YOU GET THE FLU YOU SANDWICH MEAT!" (don't question the sandwich meat thing. I've started calling people sandwich meat, I call people weird things all the time) but I didn't. Last thing I wanna say, you could tell were I was angry by my writing. I looked back through the test when done, and there was a noticable difference in how dark it was. Especially on the written part!

Next I have tech(I'm in lunch now) and we're finally in a different room. Hooray! This book has made me realize how much of an angry person I am. Wow. Oh well. Bye! Have a good day or night!

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