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I see a spot I can be a really big jerk rn and it's so tempting. I low-key love drama so much but it can get so annoying. The drama is basically in a rp which I occasionally stalk since a bunch of people I follow are in it and my newfeed is just non-stop notifications for it.

The best kind of drama is honestly the ones that happen in rps. They can be so petty, so dumb, so stressful (for the people in it) and I love it. I like watching people suffer. Bwahahahahaha.

Another drama I enjoy is the petty kind were a girl is going loony over a guy who just doesn't like her. I can't believe girls yell at guys for not getting a girl said no yet when a guy says no to a girl suddenly everyone is telling her to go try again.

I love watching the world burn. *Pulls out popcorn and goes back to silently watching drama* Bwahahaha.

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