The reason i hate people

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So Tuesday I was sick and missed school. In math we apperantly switched seats around and no one told me so I've been sitting the wrong seat for two days now. Wow I hate people. So now I seat alone in the back away from everyone else. The teacher seemed quite concerned about it.

Teacher: Why don't you sit next to Le Fleu in the front? I mean, are you sure you wanna sit back here all alone? Isn't it lonely?

Me: No, I'll stay.

Kids in front of me: *weird look*

So yeah, there were like ten other seats available but I chose the one separated from people. I'm not antisocial at all, ha, ha, ha. Don't you just love sarcasm?

Also during gym we had to walk around for ten minutes as a warm up because it's "fun" Friday. The classes combined and all my friends were in a large clump and were walking to fast for me and I didn't feel the need to socialize so I slowed down and got left behind.

I think the one teacher thought I was sick or just super lonely or something because after awhile they started walking next to me. They asked how I was and I said I was fine. Then they proceeded to ask me about what I wanted for Christmas. Yeah no, I ain't doing the socializing today.

I sped walked away and found my group of friends and walked behind them the rest of the time. Just so you know there were also some people I don't really like in that group.

And lastly I have a video for you. If you don't like swearing and offensive words don't watch, but it's pretty humorous. First some explanation though.

It's about a guy who watched Boku no pico. If you don't know what that is, God bless your soul, it's a horrible anime. Horrible in a sense of weird, to weird for me. Never watch it, and here's why! (What a great Segway eh?)

As you see bad language, but it's like my fifth time watching and I'm still laughing at it.

Yeah, I've had an interesting day. Imma leave now, bye Narwhals!

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