0-10 real fast

41 0 3

People's, I was angry before this, but now I'm pissed.

Remember yesterday how I told you a out my concert and telling my Leo friend about stuff. That didn't happen so that's good. But that's not the point. The point is, is that we also talked about trust issues since I have major trust issues. This moment will answer your questions about why, enjoy the show!!

So on Thursdays I normally will eat lunch in the lesson room with my Cancer friend and Leo friend. But lately my Leo friend has decided not to come, although they came last week which was good, but not this week. And so you'll never believe the reason why either.

It's because she wants to sit next to her crush. Now lemme tell y'all a little fact. She talks to him after school, before school sometimes, during school, and probably other times that don't even exist! How can I tell you say? Well it's because one time she flat out said, "Oh well, I'm sitting next to *insert random name* today, so I can't go."

Bitch yes you can, just because you wanna talk to him for another five frigging minutes don't mean nothing when you have the entire rest of day to spend talking to that guy. And now everyone ships them together too, she likes him, they've been friends for years, just ask him out already! I'm tired of waiting. Her obsession is starting to have a negative impact on people, a.k.a. me.

But back to the point, as you see they have broken a promise. Thus, trust issue develops further and becomes worse. As you can see, I have a reason to be extremely anger at this human being.(I wanted to write many other words to describe them, but I didn't, you're welcome.)

I continued with my day and I went from a 9 down to a 5 on the anger scale. After avoiding them like the black plauge and trying not to murder my grandma I get home. I finish my homework and go to put my stuff back in my backpack. I did my homework in my room and left my bag in the living room. I went out to put away my stuff and my asks for to grab her phone so I say okay.

I wanted to put my stuff away first because her phone was near were I was going to be putting my backpack. Then she says impatiently, "My phone?!?". And boy did I over react. It went from 0 to 10 faster than my sister eats noodles. "I'M PUTTING MY STUFF AWAY, JUST WAIT A MOMENT!" I shouted.

"FINE I'LL GET IT MYSELF! WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER ASKING YOU FOR ANYTHING!" My mom yells back. Then I mocked the sentence in the style she normally mocks me, and I get yelled at for it! I get told that my attitude is getting worse, like I haven't heard that 30 times this week, and I get called lazy.

I nearly slapped a bish. Um excuse you but I was doing something else before this and no I was nowhere near your phone when you asked. I ain't yo little slave.

I need to take a minute or three, and cool off. I need a nap, I'm tired. I can't wait until Friday.

Welp, bye.

-signed the angriest potato you'll see all day

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