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So I just checked Snapchat to see what some peeps were doing and I saw my one friend found an old photo of here and two others. One of em was my friend in kindergarten but I never knew what happened to her until sixth grade when my friend(who moved to Florida so that's good*not really*) and it just makes me really sad.

This just makes me hate first grade even more. Oh mah god I wanna diiiieeeeeee(not literally I'm not depressed or anything). If only I was placed in a different class I would've been in such a different place right now.

Oh whale no use in wallowing over the past if I can't change it. Might as well just keep on going with what I have now and make sure I don't hate myself when I look back on this moment.

Does anyone know any good YouTubers or Twitch streamers? I'm getting really bored and really really don't wanna do my English essay.

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