Violent Dreams

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So I was watching a video about lucid dreams and I started thinking. Ever once in a while I'll realize I'm and dreaming and so I'll start doing whatever I want since there aren't any consequences. I either fly around like there's no tomorrow or beat the crap out of everyone in the general area.

Usually when I realize I'm dreaming I have a limited time to do stuff, so punching people is really fun to do within that time. I've beat up so many people I've lost track, but I'll give you a rough estimate.

Around 15-20 different people. I've beat up some people several times, also I'm not counting murder right now. That's a lot of people, out of a the things I could be doing there, I decide to punch people.

I'm way angrier and more violent than I ever thought. Oh well, I enjoy it. Have any of you had a lucid dream before? If so what do you usually do in it? Tell me, I wanna know, because of stalker tendencies. :D, I'm friendly.

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