Hershey Trip

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(I'm in a row with Nice 6th Grader, Cancer, and Em)
So right now I'm on my way home from Hershey Park and I've had a really good time. A bit of drama*cough*lots*cough* but that's alright because I did my best to openly avoid it.

On the day we left I had no clue who to sit next to on the bus and I just hoped that I'd sit next to someone I know or no one at all. I ended up sitting next to this one kid who part of drama on the D.C. trip. He's cool I guess, it was uncomfortable af tho.

I ended up rp'ing most of the trip except when my phone was dying when I just looked out the window.

The bus driver had got us lost and only our bus. I'm bus 3 and the other 2 buses never got lost. It was like the other trip all over again.(we were running late, which we weren't, and the teachers decided to just go back to school but the principal called and said it's against the law to not feed us so we had 5 minutes to eat)

When we did get to the dinner place(this is were drama starts) we were the last to arrive but got to sit outside at least. I sat with Cancer friend, Leo friend, and Drama guy along with this really nice 6th grader who we roomed with.

So it turns out that Cancer and Drama guy liked each other. But this caused a problem. I didn't ever post day 2 and 3 of the d.c. trip because of some angry ranting that would have everyones jaw drop.

But in the night at d.c. I all learned that this one girl, who I'll call Bee, had a crush on Drama guy. I won't quote anything but it sounded cheesy af whe  she described her major crush on him.

What I didn't know and neither did Bee is that Cancer had a crush on Drama Guy as well. Drama Guy also had a crush on Cancer so that stirred up a sh!t ton of drama.

Cancer felt bad about Bee because she is her friend(i dont like Bee and Bee doesnt like me) and Bee was mad that she was never told about this.

Bee and Cancer started crying and so Leo friend went to help them because she is the ultimate mother friend. Leo friend is to nice for her own good and trys to help to many people but that's also good because I know she actually cares.

While all of this was happening Drama Guy joined them and left me and the nice 6th grader alone together. I didn't even know her name so it was really awkward since Cancer is just going through a bunch of drama far out of our understanding.

But the dinner was great and I ended up meeting with my friend I'll call Em who also wanted to avoide drama.

When we got to the hotel we got all our stuff and everyone went to the pool except me. I ended up taking a shower and made a wet mess that I managed to clean up before everyone got back. That shower was so good tho and relaxing. I loved it.

But everyone came back and Cancer friend had gotten in trouble for hanging out with Drama Guy by the one teacher. Em didn't get in trouble tho for hanging out with several other guys so we all got mad.

But the hotel room was wild fun. Em and Nice 6th grader and me started joking around and it was all about memes. For the first time on any of these trips I actually had a good time in the hotel room because I wasn't just being silent. Although Cancer was still going through a bunch of drama that we all kinda avoided.

By the end of the night though Cancer was really happy and for the first time today wasn't anxious or sad so I guess we helped. I still slept in a chair tho but I don't mind.

Then it was morning. Oof is the best way to describe it. I ended up not eating anything really and I had an anxiety attack in the hotel right before we left. Everyone else left me there alone to collect myself which I did and I got through it. I'm glad I got through it too because the rest today the day is really fun.

The trip was for a music competition and I play viola in select strings so I went for that. Select strings was up first and so we all were on stage to play in front of all the kids who aren't in strings and obviously the judges.

We were awesome, until the last song. The violas were a complete disaster. There were at least five different tempos going on and apparently I was ways right according to the teacher and so everyone had to copy me. The only thing is the bowing we had which is when we bounce the bow across the string is that I can't play it like that. I suck at that bowing and keeping a tempo along with it, it was a disaster waiting to happen.

Even kids who weren't in strings thought it sounded bad. The good/bad thing is that we were the only instrumental orchestra there. Just like the one school was the only highschool there so it was an auto win. Oh well Leo friend got an award for solo along with the other two soloists we had.

We went to the park next. I decided to hang out with Em and her friends to avoide any possible drama between my friends.

We just walked around a bit while others went on rides because me and Em and another girl didn't like rollercoasters so we got to be bag holders. It was alirght tho u til we spent 2 effing hours at the karaoke booth doing literally nothing other than listen to others do the karaoke.

Leo friend and this one person I'll call Bob, came. They did some karaoke and then with the hour we had left went to the wild mouse ride. It was so fun.

We decided that since there were only three of us that I'd sit alone in the back. I did sit alone at least, but in the front.

Since the cars are only single cars and don't stop moving we had to rush on and Leo friend with Bob rushed to the back by accident. I was in the front and it was so horrifying but also fun.

Whenever we turned though it felt like the car would fall off and what's worse when you sit alone you feel like you're the reason because you add weight to only one side. At the end though there's a photo thing and we didn't notice it at first since all of were scared.

When we saw the photo tho at the end it was beautiful but not good enough. I looked drunk and high at the same time, that's all I remember from it.

But we went a second time and all did the James Bond symbol at the camera. Plus I got the back seat. When we saw the photo I knew I needed a copy of it. I got a small keychain thing of it and it was beautiful. Bob is the only one looking at the camera and actually looks really cool. Leo friend is looking ahead and doing the symbol while I'm in the back holding up my hands in a failed attempt at the symbol.

It looks like I'm doing a Naruto symbol instead or I'm praying to the Potato Lord. We all look amazing though. The one photo we saw up there though is that the one kid looks like he was going to barf. His cheeks were swelled and he was holding the handle bars for life.

I loved that ride and would have gone on it a 100 more times but we had to get to the awards ceremony. We did very well and destroyed the competition even there was no string competition the choir destroyed it.

But at the end there was more drama between Drama Guy, Cancer, and Bee. Bee and Cancer started to cry and Drama Guy was acting depressed.

I was just standing to the side awkwardly and decided to call it the depression triangle. It's like the Bermudas Triangle but instead you get sucked in and become depressed when you exit because of all the drama.

Now I'm on the bus sitting next to Bob because I'm sitting in front of Drama Guy and Leo. We also went to the one college for pointers on how to play but nothing interesting happened there so it doesn't get a formal mention other than that.

Oh whale, I'm gonna get going because my throat hurts like hell after screaming and cheering on my school. Btw Leo won an award for her amazing solo.

Ciao ciao ora.

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