A tag(s)

38 1 14

Well I have been tagged. I forget by who though, which isn't the best but oh well. Let's get on with it!

1. What is your name? Online it's Zodi, in real life is a secret.

2. Zodiac sign? Aquarius

3. Three fears?
Bears, don't ask why
If everyone secretly hates me and is constantly judging me

4. Three things I love
Zodiac signs

5. Four turn ons
Making an effort to talk to me
Genuine compliments
Good laugh or smile

6. Four turn offs
Dumb and annoying

7. Best friends
No one you would know except for my Cancer friend, swimmer_cat

8. Sexual orientation? Straight.

9. Best first date. Never had one of these but my ideal first date would be something like a walk around town, or eating food. You know what, why not date food? I would rather date food I think.

10. Height. Last time I checked I was 5'5, or 165 cm.

11. Thing I miss. When I was a small child and my biggest worry was if I was going to have a green lollipop or a blue one.

12. Time born. 4:30 a.m. sometime in February.

13. Favorite Color. Purple, any shade will do.

14. Crush list. A Scorpio person I know. That's all, unless you want me to name off all the anime characters I have a crush on, but then this chapter would easily be over 2000 words.

15. Favorite quote. "Going outside is overrated." -Ready Player One, Ernest Cline. I can agree with this.

16. Favorite place. Away from human contact.

17. Favorite food. Nutella, duh.

18. Are you sarcastic? Yes, but if you use sarcasm on me I probably won't get it.

19. Current background noise. My mom talking to my dad on the phone and a microwave.

20. First observation of people. Probably their face, I think. It varies with each person.

21. Shoe size. 9 and a half woman in the U.S.

22. Eye color. I've had people give me two different answers. Blue and green, so I guess somewhere in between those two colors.

23. Hair color. A very dirty blond.

24. Favorite clothing? A pair of blue sweatpants that are soooooo comfy.

25. Have you ever prank called someone? Nope.

26. Username meaning. It's because I like zodiac signs and that's what I write about here.

27. Favorite movie? I have no clue, Deadpool maybe? Or Spider man homecoming? There are just too many good movies out there.

28. Favorite song. I don't listen to music that much. So I don't really have one.

29. Favorite band? Again don't listen to music, so I ain't got one.

30. Current mood. Pain and misery. I'm sick, so it's not a good one.

31. Someone I love. All of my friends, online and offline.

32. Current relationship status. #foreveralone

33. Favorite holiday. My birthday, or Halloween.

34. Tattoos/piercings? I used to wear earnings but it's just to much of a hassel for me.

35. The real reason for joining Wattpad? Well many years ago(it's actually not that long ago though) my friends told me about it so I got it. Also this is my second account if you didn't know.

36. Last book I read? Harry Potter year four, I think.

37. Do you send GM/GN messages? Nope, I had to Google what that meant actually.

38. Did you kiss the last person you texted? No, why would anyone want to know this?

39. Last time holding someone's hand. Does it count if you held your own hand. This question has made me realize how lonely I actually am, wow I'm sad now.

40. Required time to get ready. Well in the morning I have an hour to get ready but I'm also not awake. If guess about five minutes, but I prefer fifteen.

41. Have you shaved in the last three days. Surprisingly yes, only because I wanted to prolong my shower time though.

42. Where are you? Planet Earth physically, the land of Narwhals and Nutella mentally. So I'm my bed.

43. Would people care did you were drunk. Yes and no at the same time. Depends on your definition of care.

44. The preferred volume of music. A nice medium that's not too loud.

And now for tags, have fun people's.


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Have fun, I'm going to watch some YouTube now. Bye, and remember you don't have enough to do this! Bye!

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