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I've come to the conclusion there are only two types of people in the world. The ones who sneeze loudly and the ones who don't.

For example in the ones who don't.

Person:Uh oh, I'm gonna sneeze. It's gonna be a big one.

Person:*exaggerated inhaling*

Person: Chu! Whew, that was a super big sneeze.

Me:I'm sorry but re-evaluate your life cuz that was tiny.

Then the person who sneezes loudly.

Me:Oh crap I'm gonna sneeze.*walks around trying not to sneeze for ten minutes*

Me:*Extremely Overly Extra Exaggerated inhaling*

Me:BACHOOOOOOOOOOO. *Tsunamis appear world wide, hurricanes form, earthquakes hit, volcanoes erupt* Whew. Don't worry it was only a small sneeze.

Seriously though. I sneeze so loud. One day I'll be in school and I'll sneeze and I'll end up knocking my chair backwards. I've actually sneezed and fell down because of the force of it. And when  the people who sneeze like a dainty little butterfly say they've got a big sneeze I coming I look in disbelief at it. That is not big, big is falling down backwards because the force is so great. I get it from my grandpa. Whenever he sneeze he has to sit up or else he'll just go through the chair. It's insane.

Oh whale that's all I got to say.

The Weird Thoughts of an Aquarius(me)Where stories live. Discover now