Cookie Dough

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I missed the bus home today all because of some morons amazing reading ability.

I was on the bus with a giant box of cookie dough and it was really heavy. I looked at the sheet on top and had someone else's name on it. Obviously I freaked out thinking I was about to steal someone's order, so I got off the bus. I run into the cafeteria and they give my  correct order.

The reason it was so angering was because there is no reasonable explanation to why someone would get it confused. The person's order wasn't even close to mine! (By the way this was for a fundraiser for a trip). It was sorted by last name, my last name isn't even remotely close to that person's!

Clearly the people working their were morons. I also have a deep hatred for the kids who sit in front of me in math.

Today and yesterday they had this great idea, farting. It's so childish and immature, and the smell! I started gagging today it was so bad, ugh! Normally I'm the quiet kid so I didn't say anything, although I was ready to snap my pencil(my phone is horrible, it autocorrected to penis, yes that. R.I.P. Zodi-Death by autocorrect) in half and stab both of them.

I also had a bio test the other day, and I need to get the graph right or else I'm in big trouble with grades.

There was also a combined chorus rehearsal and there was almost no one in third period! (I don't take chorus.) So we did a scavenger hunt thingy and everyone else finished except me because I had to organize my stuff. I also got a boureé because it's French week at my school, hooray!

I feel like a grape wearing it though, since it's all purple. But I've been wearing since I got home and I haven't taken it off for some strange(r things. I'm not sorry) reason.

Oh well, I've run out of things to complain about. So, bye for now.

*New! Adopt a potato section! They need homes too.*
*Please take one of these 75 lonely potatoes home with you today*

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