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The next morning can was already up.

So I got ready and put Roxy on leash.

I grabbed my money and my longboard from my closet and quietly walked downstairs so no one heard me.

I went outside and had Roxy pull me down the street.

I went down by McDonald's and Starbucks.

I tied Roxy to one of the tables that were nailed to the ground.

I went inside Starbucks and got a de-caf caramel macciado. Lexie was there and she served me.

"Hey!" She said as I walked up to the counter.

"Hey Lexie" I said and I ordered.

We talked until my drink was ready and I got her number.

K good. someone who u can talk to with out having to fully do with Nash.

U went back to where Roxy was tied up.

People were petting her and playing with her.

I sat down at the table and just looked at all of the cars passing by.

Memories of Nash and I when we were kids started to flash back into my head.

I miss my mom. she was always someone who I could talk to. and someone that I could live with.

I finished me drink then ride back to the place wear I would always go to jut think and get things off my mind.

I went to my old house's front yard. there was a for sale sign on he lawn.

I couldn't stop thinking about everything.

I grew up here.

and now it's going to be all gone.

Roxy laid down on the front lawn and I laid in her stomach. I was playing with her paws when the tears came rushing.

I noticed Nash's car was gone. it wasn't
In the driveway.

I went back up my room and got back into some comfy clothes I got all of my really comfy blankets and pillows and stuffed them on my bed.

Roxy and I just sat there until I fell asleep.

It has been two days.

Two days since I've eaten anything.

Cameron, Matt, and Hayes have all offered me food but I turned them down.

I was still just laying there.

What was going on?

"Hey.." Hayes walked in and shut the door behind him.

Just looked at him and blinked.

"Look I know your kind of under depression right now, but will you please talk and eat?"

I just looked at him and tears barley came down my face.

He came by my bedside and sat on the edge.

"Ashlynn. it's only been two days and I looks like you've lost 10 lbs. your arms are like sticks."

Hayes lifted up my arm and he could wrap two fingers around and touch them on the other side.

"Nash isn't taking this too well either.." he finally said.

I sat up a little.

"He is eating and talking tho. but not as much. I'll leave you alone, but just please eat.... and talk.." Hayes shut the door behind him and went back downstairs.

The next day Cameron brought up some food and put it on front of me.

"Eat." he said sternly.
I shook my head no.

"Eat now." he said looking into my eyes

I shook my head again and he grabbed the fork.

He got a bite of eggs and tried to put it in my mouth.

He pried my mouth open and got it in there.

I started to eat on my own and cam smiled.

"She's eating Guys." cam yelled into he hallway.

"Ashlynn I love you like a sister. well I consider you as mine. I hate seeming u do this to yourself. talk to me."

"I love you Cameron." I said kissing his cheek and hugging him.

He smiled and left me To eat and I laid back down.

About 20 minutes later someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it." I barley mumbled out.

".....Nash...." He said

I was quiet and didn't say one word.

"Ash please. let me in."

"It's open." I said stuffing my face in my pillow.

He walked in and sat on my spinning chair at my desk.

"Look... I'm sorry... I should have believed you and I do now."

I sat up and looked at him

His guilty eyes turned into eyes of concern.

"Your waist... is tiny... well tinier.. what happened ashlynn." he said moving closer to me.

Infinity // Nash Grier & Jack JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now