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It has been a week from when we made that hot tub in the back of Nash's truck.

Today was my moms birthday.

She was turning 41.

I wasn't planning on doing anything today, but just sit around and eat.

Cameron walked into my room while I was on my phone on my bed.

"Hey morning." he said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Hey, what's up?" right then Nash, Matt and Hayes walked through the door.

"We have something to give u.." Nash said and handed me an envelope.

It had my name on it, in my moms handwriting.

"What's this...?" I asked confused looking up at nash.

"Just open it..." Nash sat on the bed and out his hands in his lap.

I ripped the top with my fingernail and pulled out a white piece of lined paper with writing covering it.

It was folded into fourths.

I unfolded it and began to read.

I am giving this to you when you reach a certain age. I want t have a long talk after you read this but I just can't say it in person. I think you are ready to know... your father isn't dead.
We split when you were young but I didn't want you to stress about finding him. he is re-married, and has one son your age. His name is Josh. we split because we just couldn't work things out. I am sorry to tell you this now, but I have Nash this letter because I didn't want to do it In person. you are more then welcome to come and talk to me afterwards. I will always love you and remember you in my heart,


I didn't even notice I was crying and so was Nash. Cameron and Matt just kind of stared at the ground.

"I don't know what to say..." I said putting the note on my bed and crossing my arms over my stomach.

I sniffled and looked out side my window.

"I wish she could actually come talk to me right now...." I said and Nash kissed me on he cheek.

"Let's leave her alone.." Nash said looking up at the guys hey nodded and headed out the door.

Once they left and shut the door behind them I got up and for out my ancient VCR player.

I out in old home movies of my family to see what he looks like.

I sat on my bed and Roxy was setting her head on my thigh.

I watched one that I couldn't stop bawling. I was little and I was in princess sunglasses and had a little plastic pink gardening shovel in my hand.

I was helping my mom garden, and my dad was video taping.

My mom had a black shirt and jean shorts on.

We were all laughing and having fun.
I wish my life was still like that, with my mom and dad.

I watched another one where my parents were getting married. they seemed so in love. the way they said their vows. they all took it back when they got divorced.

My vision started I get blurrier and blurrier by my tears.

They put on the rings and said "I do."

I couldn't handle it anymore I grabbed my remote and turned off the t.v.

I sat in my bed and silently cried myself to sleep again.

I woke up with red puffy eyes from crying so hard.

I opened up my laptop.

I'm going to find my dad.

I found his Facebook.

he looked like how he did in the home videos.

I saw his address in the background of a couple of the pictures.

This is really nerve racking.

Plus I'm stalking my dad soo...

I wrote down the address and went downstairs.

My hair was in a messy bun, I was in pink comfy shorts and a gray tank top.

"Hey can you take me here?" I handed the paper to Nash.

"Yeah go jump in..." he said pointing to his car.

"Wait not yet..." I said running back upstairs.

I changed into something decent.

I ran back downstairs and he was already in his car.

I went into the front seat.

"Where is this exactly...?" he asked opening up the folded paper.

"My dad's address..." I said and he looked at me like.... really....

We arrived to the address and Nash and I both got out of the car.

He knocked on the big wooden door.

A guy about my age answered the door and smiled.

He has brown eyes and a perfect jaw line.

"Nash...?" He asked and Nash's eyes widened.

"Shawn...?" he said and he let go of my hand.

They went into a bro hug thing.


So... I got 25k!

That's the new appearance!

Alright sorry I didn't have time to update.

But can you read my other story about Olivia and Hayes? it's based in this story but it's their POV

Thank ya

Okay bye bæs 😘

Infinity // Nash Grier & Jack JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now