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Nash and I ran to the car and Matt and Hayes hopped in the back.

"Wait.. skylynn!" I said jumping out of the truck and running back inside.

She was playing barbies in her room.

I ran in there and picked her up like her was a baby doll.

She looked at me weird as I ran back downstairs with her in my arms.

I buckled her in her seat and hopped in the front.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Lexie's number.

"Hello?" she answered

"Hey come to the hospital quick! Something is wrong with Cameron and they took him in an ambulance."

"Oh my gosh are you guys ok?" she said and I could tell she was running out to her car.

"Yeah we are fine but scared. he was shaking and was all green and unconscious on the floor."

"Ok I'll see you at the hospital."

She hung up and we arrived.

We went up to the room to see Cameron laying there.

Still green and his eyes still shut.

The doctor came up to us.

"We think he had a stroke of some sort." he said

(I have no idea what a name for a stroke is... see my wonderful doctor skills 😂)

Lexie arrived soon and went over by his bed side.

She grabbed his Hand and stood there by him.

We all sat On the chairs against the wall.

Skylynn pretended to talk on my phone.

Hello?..... Cameron is sick......mhm.....ewww no.... stop it... ok bye." she handed me my phone.

"Who were you talking to sky?" I asked and she huffed out a puff of air.

"My boyfriend." she said and sassy walked away.

We waited....

And waited....

And waited......

About 2 hours of playing Rock Paper Scissors, and doing thumb wars, Lexie gasped.

"Cameron!" she said looking at him.

His eyes were opening.

His color In his face was back to normal.

He smiled and squeezed her hand tighter.

We all got up and went beside him.

"What happend...?" Cameron barely mumbled out of his mouth.

"You had some stroke." Nash replied
"You fell on the ground and your face was green."

"Oh..." He answered.

We took Cameron home about 3 hours later.

They had to run tests, and they found Nothing.

The doctors said he had to sleep in a bed, not on a mattress on the floor.

He has to have water by his bed and a phone.

"Cam, you can take my bed." I said as we walked inside the door.

"You sure?"

I nodded.

We helped him get situated in my room, I grabbed roxy, and we shut the door.

I grabbed pillows and blankets from the closet, and Roxy followed me to the couch.

I set my pillow down and Nash came in from outside.

"Come here..." Nash said referring to outside.

I walked out and he had set up a big hammock.

It had blankets and pillows covering it.

He sat down and patted a spot next to him for me.

He even brought out a bed for Roxy.

We were laughing and talking when we started to get tired.

We both laid down and Nash was swinging the hammock back and forth with his leg.

"So what did you do at jacks?" Nash asked playing with my hair.

"We just talked about what happened. and he made me choose..."

"Choose what." he cut me off.

"You or him." I answered and he was silent.

"Which one did you pick?" he asked lifting an eyebrow.

"Who do you think" I said planting a kiss on his nose and he laughed.

He started to hum one direction songs and I fell asleep I'm his arms. under the stars.


Nash's POV

She fell asleep while I was rocking the hammock with my leg.

I loved her.

I honestly don't know what I would do without her.

I got a call from her dad saying that of they work things out, he wants to take her.

But if won't let that happen.

I promised Ashlynn's mom I would protect and stay with her.

While ashlynn was passed out in the lawn, her last words she ever said to me were:

"Do it for me Nash."

I know that sounds cheesy, but those words mean a lot to me.

I'm not going to let her out of my grip.

The stars were really pretty.

So was the moon.

And the girl snoring next to me.

"I love you ashlynn.." I said and fell asleep under the stars.

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Thanks 36kers!


Infinity // Nash Grier & Jack JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now