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Hey there. Thanks for taking time to read my story! This is my first full length story (in-the-making). I hope you like it!

ABOUT ME: I am an avid reader, massive One direction fan, Potterhead. In love with TMI, THG, Ravenboys- too many book series. It's a hard life. :P Also addicted to way too many TV shows.

My ultimate quote as of now: We didn't choose the fangirl life,the fangirl life chose us.

Anyway, feel free to comment and give me any suggestions,but please, do follow the rules of constructive criticism. I have been criticized for my writing, but for once I plan on givng a deaf ear to them and only listen and take in the good ones.

The plot may sound dreary and very normal, but I plan on adding some twists that hopefully no one expects. :)

NOTE: I will be referring to juvenile jail as juvie in the story.

Plot: Alayzia Blackwell has been framed for the murder of her brother. She comes home from Juvenile Jail, only to find out that what happened two years ago hasn't left her alone. Something happened a long time ago, and she never knew about it. All of a sudden, she finds out everything. And it's too much to handle.

So yeah, that's about it. I hope whoever reads it likes it. Thank you :)

-A (not the PLL 'A'. Just saying)


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