Chapter 5

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It is break time. I, Pha and Kit decide to have lunch in our faculty. Well.. actually we are too lazy to go out even though we won't have any classes again today. Luckily, our canteen is not really crowded. We take the table in the corner of the building. Kit has his chicken soup and Pha has Khao Pad (Fried rice). Meanwhile, I myself have Pad Thai (Thai noodle).

Since we are starving, we finish our dishes for less than ten minutes. We even didn't talk that much until we finish the food.

"Look, who are coming," Pha says. I and Kit directly turn our heads. We see two engineering moons are walking towards us. Some girls are screaming and others are just smiling when seeing those two guy coming to Faculty of Medicine. Few of them even greet Forth and Ming.

Ming even wears his sunglasses. Seriously? Today's cloudy, though.

Girls start whispering as Forth and Ming stand beside our table.

"Wadee Kit, Pha." Forth greet my friends. Ming, then, follows him by giving wai to Pha and me.

"Have you done?" Forth ask me after he sees my empty plate. I nod.

Forth sits beside Pha which means he is across my seat. Oh please... don't sit there. It will be awkward for me. Forth love seeing me with weird gaze, and I don't know how to react. My friends have told me that weird gaze is full of love. Yeah... they are right. That's why I don't want him to sit there.

"By the way, where is Yo?" I ask Ming and Pha.

"He still has class in science laboratory. I'll pick him up after two o'clock," Pha answer. Poor boy. It is break time, but he is still studying. We can't comment much about it since it is policy from their faculty.

Ming, then, takes out some Kitkat which makes Kit glares at him.

"You should stop eating that, Mingkwan," My shorty friend gets cranky. He looks so cute.

"Why should I, P'? It tastes good," as he says those words, he put Kitkat into his mouth. I laugh.

"Don't laugh, you jerk." Kit hits my arms. Ouch.. it hurts.

"Ai Kitty, can you not use violence? It hurts, you know. Shit." I touch my arm. Forth looks worried.

"It doesn't kill you, Beam. Don't be exaggerated just because your boyfriend is here. Forth, I even had kicked your boyfriend ass before, but he didn't say anything. He needs more attention from you now,"


I'm not a crybaby, but now thanks to Kit, Forth will think I'm since he gives me a smirk.

Not long after that, someone is coming to our table. She is Ling, my junior who is our Faculty star. Wow... what is happening here?

"Sawadee P," I can say all of us are surprised. I mean, it is me, Pha, and Kit.

"What can I do for you Nong Ling?" Pha asks.

"Errrr........." This Ling girl looks nervous. Her cheeks go red. Interesting.

"Nong?" Pha calls her again.

"Eeee...... P..... P'Forth." she calls Forth. Wait... WHAT? "I need to talk with P'Forth," she continues.

Shit shit shit

I think I know what's going on. But, my friends, Ming and of course Forth seem still confused.

"You can just talk here. We are in the middle of discussion," Forth answers casually. You seriously can't read situation right now.

"I............ I......." she is trembling "I.....I like you, P. I'm sorry if it is too sudden, but I like you since you came to moon star gathering. I.... want you to be my boyfriend," she confessed to Forth, my boyfriend.

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