Chapter 18

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Forth POV

Beam looks frustrated. He stares angrily at Kit who is much calmer & now watching TV. I feel sorry for him, though. Kit is too insecure about himself. I bet in his heart he knows that Ming wasn't cheating on him. Yet, he is so restless because girls are always around Ming.

It isn't normal in relationship where you feel that the person whom you love will leave you for someone else. It happened to me too. Remember that I was struggling to make Beam love me back? It was the most insecure time in my life. I would always be scared that Beam would hate me and date some other girls. Fortunately, when he showed his jealousy side I felt like flying to the sky. I was very very happy and excited. It was the sign that he truly loves me, right?

Both I and Beam have passed that 'insecure' phase in our relationship. I can say it is going strong. He shows more affection, and sometimes acts cute which make my mind and my body go crazy.

I personally that Kit and Ming needs to pass this stage to more develop their feeling each other.

I have told Ming about Kit who saw him with a girl in the restaurant. Ming nearly cries. He denies it.

"No way P!! I never cheat to anyone. I love my Kitkat. How can he say like that? What should I do l, P'Forth?

Then I told him he must solve this issue right away. I told him Kit is in Beam's room, then he said he will be here in few minutes.

Speak to the devil.

Ming is here.

I say to Beam to let me open the door. Then, A confused face of Mingkwan appears in front of me. He remains silent and follows me to the room.

"Kitkat......." Only that word can be uttered by him.

Kit who never expects Ming will be here suddenly gets up and yells, "SHIT!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

Kit's face turns red again as he starts to explode. "Beam....... Why did you call him? I thought we are friends?"

"Don't blame, Beam. I was the one who talked with Ming about the situation. I think you guys must talk." I try my best to neutralize the situation. I hate seeing others shout at my boyfriend like that, even though he is the best friend.

Beam looks shocked and scared, so I stand beside him to keep him calm.

"I don't want to talk with you, Ming. Get out!!" Kit yells again. Now.... everyone is scared, including me. I have never seen Kit gone mad like this even when he was drunk.

"Kitkat....can't you listen to me, first? I...... I need to explain all this matter. It wasn't like what you think, P......."

"Don't ever find your excuses, Mingkwan. Just save your bullshit and enjoy your happy day with beautiful girl. Why are you wasting your time here to explain it to me?......"

"P!!!!" Ming sounds frustrated. Kit is taken back because Ming yells, and starts angry too.

I hug Beam, and assist him take a seat. Looking at those two guys fighting seriously make us stress.

How can they fight by yelling to each other? and it's not their personal room. It's my wife's.

"You................." Kit stares at Ming intensely, "If you don't want to go out, fine! I'll be the one who leave this room." Kit is ready to walk out when Ming grabs his hand.

"P'Kit... Can't you be calmer? I never cheat on you. Please..... listen to me...." Kit still refuses to hear. "I sat with Stella in the restaurant because she was waiting for her girlfriend,. That's all. She is my classmate how come I ignore her when she is there"

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