Chapter 33

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Forth POV

My gut to accept his decision to break was surely insane. My life is miserable because I can't concentrate on doing my work. All reports that I submitted to my director were rejected. Mr. Tan, the director, scolded me for being unprofessional. Seriously, how could he expect me to do well when my heart is shattered into pieces because of Beam.


How are you doing?

I have ignored all messages and calls from Phana. I know he must be angry with me, but what can I do? Beam asked me, and I didn't want he went crazy just because I forced him to be in a relationship while I myself can't be with him even on weekends.

I'm the worst boyfriend ever.

The telephone on my desk is ringing. It is from Mr. Tan.

"Forth... I'm in Bangkok right now. Uhm...... I'd like to inform you that.... uhm...... I think you are going to be moved to Bangkok...."


"Sorry Forth.. I know you are a capable person to be in our main office, but our branch in Bangkok needs you. I will guarantee that you will be the manager there. Ups.. I gotta go Forth, the meeting will start and. I'll email you about the project and your job description there. bye"

"What...?" I'm stunned and can't proceed with the information that I just heard.

Am I going back to Bangkok?


The first thing in my head is: I should come to Beam.


Beam POV

This afternoon I decided to have lunch alone. Pha and Kit still get angry with me since I broke up with Forth. Even though they still have lunch with me, but sometimes they send a signal "Don't pretend you are OK. I know you are not." or "Why don't you make up with Forth, instead?"

I know I'm a jerk. How many times I have asked him to break up? once? twice? Well.... It can be more than that. Yet, Forth is so damn patient with all my annoying personalities. He is too perfect for me. He doesn't need a reckless, hot-tempered, and demanding boyfriend like me. I'm too sickening.

"My food tastes so bland." I throw my spoon and drink my cold coffee instead. shit... I lose my appetite, and this coffee reminds me of Forth

"You always forbid me to drink coffee, but look at you! drinking it without finishing your lunch." Suddenly Forth appears from nowhere and sits in front of me.

"What the hell?!" My eyes wide opened. "What......what are you doing here?" Is he for real?

"Visiting my boyfriend whom I miss so much." Forth winks at me and reaches my hands. His hands are warm. Forth doesn't say anything. He just holds my hand for a minute, and kiss it.

"I miss you." He mumbles.

I need some time to process what he is doing. "NO......" I pull my hand from his grip. "What are you doing here?" I repeat my question. This, my EX-boyfriend, is gone crazy, I think.

"To see you." He answers shortly. Gosh.... he gets on my nerve. I bet he knows what my question meant, but he just tried to avoid it. Do I need to make it clear?

I take a deep breath, "We broke up. Do you remember that?" Forth's facial expression instantly changes. His smile disappears. I made a wrong move. But what can I do? He needs someone much better than me now. We have a different path. Long distance relationship between two beasts is silly.

Forth looks at me with a lovely gaze, "I'm sorry." he says in a sweet tone. No..., please. If you beg me once again, I will give up.

"I'm sorry for agreeing to break up with you. I was an asshole. So.. now, please forgive me, and let's get together." His voice is shaking. I nearly cut his word when he stops me and continues, "Before you say something ridiculous, listen to me! I realize that our relationship was on the edge for these past few months, but it was all because of our work, right?! You are in Bangkok, and I was getting busy in another province with my position as vice manager. You..... you are still my lovely boyfriend, and I still love you. There was nothing wrong about US.............."

Forth has not finished his words. His face turns red. damn.... he is gone mad. I decide to listen to what all he wants to say.

"You don't have to worry about distance. I have been moved to Bangkok since I need to handle our branch here. So..... don't reject and get mad at me again because you have no other reasons to do it. Except..... you ...... you don't........" Forth stops talking. He looks down and avoids my gaze.

I'm waiting for his words and trying to make him look at me, "I don't what, Forth?"

"You..... you don't love me anymore,"

WHAT? Unbelievable! How can he think that I stop loving him when every second I always miss him? Never in my mind, I want to stop loving him and change him with someone else. I........I have made biggest mistake. I love him, yet I make it difficult between us when he simply asked me to be with him. I must fix it all.

I get up and pull his collar. I kiss him. I don't care whether we are in public place, hospital canteen to be specific. Forth seems shocked since he doesn't respond my kiss yet. I pull my lips from his lips, trying to see how my soon-to-be-boyfriend-again react. He is stunned. Cute.

"Did I not show you enough how much I love you? I DO love you, Forth. I'm sorry too. I......... I was egoist because I didn't consider your feeling. I thought it was the best decision for us. But.... you know... I couldn't concentrate on my work. I messed up. I'm a doctor, yet I abandoned my patients because my mind full of you."

Forth blinks, then smiles widely. He stands up and sits beside me, "Really? Because me too, Beam. I really really miss you." He kisses my cheeks. I can smell his cologne. "So........ boyfriend again, then?!" He gives a peck on my lips.

"Let's eat out. I see you don't like your food. Wanna eat something?" he smirks and comes closer to my ear, "or maybe can I eat you?! because I'm starving, babe,"

-to be continued-

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