Chapter 2.

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  The next day, I jumped out of bed and rushed into my bathroom, collapsing onto the floor and spewing my guts out. My step-mother rushed in and pulled my hair back, gently rubbing my back. "Kuro are you alright darling?" She asked, causing me to shake my head as I let out another mouthful of puke. She grimaced and called my father in.

"Aito, Kuro is sick. I don't know if she should attend school today or not, in fact I have a feeling this was all that wretched teacher Gai's fault!" Aki, my step-mother hissed out, glaring at the wall. My father sighed and rubbed his temple as he examined my blood shot blue eyes. "I think we should take her to school and have a talk with this teacher because seriously, Kuro get's sick straight after she is stuck running laps and push ups!" Aki yelled, putting her fist into the air, her eyes sparkling. My father chuckled and moved over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and gently kissing her.

"Okay Aki, let's give this teacher a piece of our mind!" My father smirked, causing my eyes to widen as Aki pulled away and looked down at me, a evil grin on her face. She grasped me by my arm and told me to clean myself up, in which I did. I changed into a pair of sweats, a singlet and a random pair of converse which happened to be white. Aki dragged me to the car and pushed me into the back seat while she got into the passenger side while my father got into the drivers seat.


"Are you the teacher that forced my poor Kuro to do all that exercise!" My father hissed at the teacher with a bowl cut and bushy eyebrows. Aki grimaced and held me close to her while I looked around at the class that Gai had- it just had to be Itachi's class! Itachi sat there, staring at me before I found myself flinging my hand over my mouth and sprinting out of the classroom. Aki gasped and my father's head shot around at the sudden bang of the door hitting the wall. He looked over at Aki and gave her to look, "You speak to the teacher darling, I'll go get Kuro and make sure she's alright," Father said before rushing out the door, leaving a grinning Aki behind. Gai's eyes widened as soon as he noticed the evil glint in her eyes.

"Did you not know about my dear Kuro's illness? You over worked her poor fragile body and now she can't eat anything without it coming out of her mouth again!" Aki hissed at Gai, causing him to shrink back a little- 'who knew Kuro's mother was so full of youth!' He cried to himself in his head as he watched her eyes glisten, showing many evil things. "If Kuro ends up in hospital, trust me, I will not stray from making you pay because every time this happens, it brings her closer to her death!" Aki said, calming herself down as she did so, knowing that if she let any more emotion out, she would just burst into tears. (Is that even a real illness? I'm not exactly sure but just go with it!)

Itachi sat there, his mouth slightly open as he stared at Kuro's step-mother. He looked over at Deidara and Sasori who sat at the table that just happened to have three tables pushed together. Deidara looked over at Itachi and their eyes fell upon each other, Deidara was going to make a smart remark til he saw the pained look in Itachi's eyes. "You know that chick, Kuro?" Deidara questioned, causing Sasori to look over, looking completely uninterested but yet, still wanted to know what was going on.

Itachi nodded his head and looked down, trying to hold in his emotions- he wanted to scream, why? He could lose his precious Kuro before he had the chance to admit his love to her. "Yeah I do, she's been a close friend-" Itachi flinched at the word friend, "ever since she met Sasuke, I don't remember how long ago it was but if she died, I don't think I would be able to take it," Itachi muttered, clutching his fist tightly, trying to keep himself under control.

"So, you have a thing for her?" Deidara smirked, having seen how he flinched at mentioning them being friends, Itachi glared at Deidara while Sasori finally spoke up. "It's kind of obvious Itachi, you shouldn't deny it. We aren't like Hidan and Tobi, we won't go running around screaming to the whole world about it- well Deidara might but if he does, I won't stray from beating him to a pulp," Sasori spoke, his words not hinting a single amount of emotion, making his words seem a lot more intimidating to Deidara who moved closer to Itachi.

"Thanks Sasori, I'm glad I do have some decent friends," Itachi chuckled, running his fingers through his silky dark brown hair. Sasori grunted in return and turned his attention away from the two, who continued whispering while meanwhile inside the bathroom, Kuro remained bent over the toilet, spewing the last of her stomach contents into the toilet. Her father awaited outside the bathroom, feeling incredibly worried about his daughter who had been in there for around 5 minutes.

"Kuro dear, are you alright?" My father called out, causing me to wipe my mouth with toilet paper and chuck it into the toilet, flushing it as I stood up and walked out, rinsing my mouth out with water before making my way out. Me and my father made our way back to the classroom, "Are you sure you're alright?" Father questioned again for the hundredth time which caused me to laugh as I looked over at Aito.

"I'm alright dad," I chuckled as we walked into the classroom where my step-mother continued nagging to Gai about me being sick, and going to die sooner than before. I looked over at Itachi who was staring at me with sad tired eyes. I made my way over to Itachi and gave him a small smile which he returned- I examined his friends who were quite cute but not my type.

"Itachi, do you have any gum?" I asked sweetly causing him to chuckle as he looked up at me, he placed his hand on my forehead and frowned, "You're temperature is quite high," He whispered before reaching into his pocket and handing me a piece of gum in which I placed into my mouth straight away. Itachi chuckled once again and watched as I looked over at my parents who were now whispering about things.

"She's cute, eh Itachi?" The blonde whispered to Itachi, who's face went bright red as he looked over at me who had stopped chewing and was looking away, blushing. Itachi frowned slightly and stared at me with soft eyes as he noticed I was embarrassing. "Yeah, she really is," Itachi smiled at me, as soon as I looked back at them. I looked over at the red haired one who was looking between me and Itachi.

"I'm Sasori," The red head said, placing his hand out for me to shake in which I took and shook it firmly, giving him a warm smile. "I'm Kuro Shizuko," I smiled at him, and he smiled back warmly. Itachi looked down at the desk, his hand bawled into a fist as he took ragged breaths. I looked over at Itachi and placed my hand on his hand, causing him to move his head so he could see me. I smiled at him and leaned forward, kissing the top of his head.

"I'm Deidara, the sexy artist," He winked, causing me to laugh, "You know my name already but it's nice to meet you and oh my god, I think I'm going to puke. I'll see you three tomorrow at lunch, okay Itachi? Okay, bye!" I said as fast as possible before rushing out of the room once again and into the girls bathroom where I spent another several minute puking my guts out.


I climbed out of the car and made my way to my room where I took of my shoes and laid down in bed, shutting my eyes. Aki walked in not long later and sat down on the end of the bed. "What's your relationship with that Itachi boy?" Aki asked, causing me to open my eyes and I looked over at Aki, "Just close friends," I smiled causing her to chuckle as he winked at me. "You would make a cute couple," She giggled before running out of the room and shutting the door, knowing I would argue with her. I sighed and shut my eyes, and let my body fall into a deep slumber.

Meanwhile with Itachi he sat with his gang with Sasuke, "Kuro has a nice body, right Itachi?" Deidara smirked, causing the gang to looked over at Itachi who's face was bright red. "W-well, I guess he does," Itachi mumbled, embarrassed. Sasuke stared at his older brother before a smirk fell upon his face, "I'm telling Kuro," Sasuke snickered before making a run for it- probably looking for Karin, Jugo and Suigetsu. Itachi looked over at the others, trying not to show any fear. They were all going to ask about Kuro, who she is and everything.

"Oh, Kuro? Yeah I know her, that chick is smoking!" Hidan smirked, causing Itachi to glare at him before he stood up and stormed out, not feeling happy at all any more, not with this any more. They all stared after Itachi, "What did I say?" Hidan asked the others, and he managed to just hear, "She is his future fiancée," Deidara had said, loud enough for Itachi to hear. Itachi grimaced to himself and sprinted out, his bag hitting his back repeatedly.

Itachi made my way to Kuro's house, but he couldn't find the strength to knock on the door- He was scared to face Kuro. He couldn't tell her why he was so mad, and what Deidara had said. He couldn't tell her any of that, she would figure out his feelings for her which would be terrible for it to happen. Itachi quickly shook his head and turned around, walking down the pavement and down the steps, making his way home. 'I'm so weak,' Itachi thought to himself before shaking his head, clearing his thoughts.  

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