Chapter 17.

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  Kuro cried out as her brother pushed her back against the wall. Tears fell down her cheeks as she remembered how it went down with Obito. She couldn't handle this- what if she lost the baby? Kuro's blue eyes then met her brothers own blue eyes. They could be twins if his hair was a few shades lighter. Kichiro's eyes seemed to soften the moment the tears fell and let one arm go as he leaned forward and licked the salty tears away. Kuro whimpered and tried to pull away but failed. She brought her free left hand down on him, scratching his left eye.

Kichiro growled as he pulled away and held his eye, glaring at her with his right one. "Little sisters shouldn't be attacking their older brothers Kuro," He hissed out. Kuro then took off running, holding her stomach and trying not to cry out as she ran down the stairs. This was a bad idea- a terrible one in fact. She should have never left home. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, her mother stood there with a sad expression. "I'm sorry sweetie," Rina, her mother, whispered. Kuro gazed at her mother horrified, her eyes going to the knife in her mother's hand.

"Mother.." Kuro whimpered, her hands going around her stomach like she was protecting it from what was to come. Rina stepped forward and Kuro looked around, she wanted to run. She wanted to get away from this, it was too much. Why does everything happen to her? Kuro took off running, slamming her left shoulder into her mother as she ran forward, running for the door. "Kuro!" Her brother called and she slammed open the front door. She ran out and kept running, almost tripping. 'Itachi.. Help me..' She thought, letting out a strangled sob as she ran out of the drive way.

She didn't know where to go from here but she ran right and kept running before turning into an alley way- a short cut, and ran down it. She couldn't go where a car could come. As Kuro ran, her right hand fumbled around trying to find the pocket where her phone was. When she found it, she pulled it out and called the number of the person she had been avoiding for a very long time. Itachi. She put the phone to her ear and listened to it ring.

"Kuro!?" She let out a whimper when she heard her name leave his lips. She felt relieved and safe but that wasn't the case. "Itachi, please help me," She stopped running and leaned against the fence, crying out as she fell onto her butt, pulling her knees up as far as she could. "I'm so scared.." She choked out, waiting for Itachi to reply. "Kuro.. What's wrong? What's happening?" He sound so worried, it warmed her heart. "My brother and mother.. My real mother.. She's alive but something's not right with them, my brother attacked me Itachi. And my mother, she wanted to kill my baby," She heard voices down the street and quickly got up, taking off running.

"Help me, please.."


And then she hung up.

Itachi sat there, his phone held to his ear, he knew the line was dead but he kept calling out her name. He got up and opened his laptop to get onto facebook. He went onto this 'Kichiro' guys facebook page and looked to see where he lived. Itachi's gaze lingered at the address, he knew people who lived there. Kakuzu and Hidan lived there, funnily enough. He dialled Kakuzu's number and sat there, tugging at his sleeves impatiently.

"Itachi," He heard Kakuzu's gruff voice and let out a relieved sigh. "You answered, thank god. Kuro is in trouble. She's in your neighbourhood. She went there to see family and they went bloody psycho, I'm worried. You know she's pregnant right, she needs help. I want you to start looking for her while I make my way there. Please," Itachi pleaded and Kakuzu remained quiet before he finally replied, "Only because I care for her." Then he hung up. Itachi let out a sigh of relief..

"I'm coming for you Kuro.."


Kakuzu chuckled as he got up and put his jacket on. He looked in the mirror and smirked, letting his black locks fall down his back. He put his glasses on, slipping a knife into his pocket. He checked himself out before he made his way out the door. He had a gun in the back of his jeans. He walked out of his door, pulling his keys out, he went over to his motorbike and got on. He started it up and drove out, keeping his eyes open for the pink hair of his future wife.

As he turned down streets, he saw pink in a bush. He stopped his bike and got off, making his way over. He was surprised to find Kuro passed out. His gaze softened as he picked her up, he checked her over for any marks on her body and found she had none. He sighed in relief and turned around, seeing two figures. He quickly sat Kuro down in a sitting position, a comfortable one. He put his hand behind his back and put his hand on the guns handle, glaring at the figures.

"Give us Kuro back." The male hissed and Kakuzu chuckled, he could take these bastards down easily. He pulled the gun out and shot at the male, hitting him in the leg and shot the woman in the stomach. He quickly put the gun away and grabbed Kuro, rushing to his bike. He got on and held her to his chest as he drove off. The cops would be after him but it was worth it. He saved the girl he loves. He'd already done more than Itachi ever had. He drove to Hidan's house and parked his bike in the garage and got off, holding Kuro close as he walked in.

He carried Kuro up to the guest room and laid her in the bed, locking the window and leaving the door open as he went to find Hidan who was, surprise surprise, watching porn on his laptop. Kakuzu sighed as he walked in, "Hidan, we have a problem." Hidan jumped and shot a glare at Kakuzu, "Get out you fucking pervert," Hidan hissed and Kakuzu rolled his eyes.

"Kuro's here and she needs our protection."  

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