Chapter 1.

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  I jumped out of bed and threw on my clothing as quick as possible- black shorts and a black singlet with matching black converse. It was nothing much, just a simple outfit that seemed to always captivate Itachi. I rushed down the stairs and ate my breakfast before rushing up the stairs, brushing my teeth and grabbing my bag before making my way to school, almost running into Itachi who also seemed to be late for his class.

You really have changed, Itachi.


"Kuro Shizuko," The teacher called, causing me to grimace waiting for the end of his sentence, "You will be paired with Neji Hyuga," His dull voice called, causing me to frown at him. I hated this teacher with a passion, he had such a dull voice unless, of course, Naruto did something to piss him off. 'Poor Mr Hatake,' I thought to myself with a chuckle.

I looked over at the boy I was paired with. His eyes were a lovely shade of white- they weren't exactly white although, I do not know how to explain his gorgeous eyes. His hair complemented his eyes quite well too. I looked away just as the boy's eyes landed upon me and happened to catch me staring at him. Definitely wasn't something I was use to, hopefully he didn't think much about me glancing at him.

"Please join your partner now and please, whatever you do, do not go running across the room screaming in the process," Mr Hatake, hissed, glaring at Naruto who shrunk back in his seat, a sheepish grin on his face. I found myself letting out a laugh before I turned my attention to Neji who remained seated.

I let out a sigh and picked up my bag as well as my things and made my way over to Neji and sat down next to him at his table with a kid with awfully bushy eyebrows and a bowl cut- he was kind of cute, but not my type. He reminded me of the P.E teacher, I never attended his class because he seemed pretty creepy, all I know his is first name is Gai, and I hope I don't have to find out his last name. In fact, I hope I never have to see that teacher again, not after last time.

"Hello Kuro," Neji's spoke, his voice seeming to be awfully velvet like, something I wasn't use to. I gave Neji a smile and a slight wave, "Kuro, aren't you in me P.E class?" The other kid asked, Rock Lee, I believe his name is. I let out a nervous laugh, knowing as soon as I tell him, I was busted. This kid was Gai's favourite student so I expect him to tell Gai of my ditching.

"Well, yeah," I muttered, nervously rubbing the back of my head with a sheepish grin on my face. Neji watched me curiously and realization crossed over Rock Lee's face, "You've been ditching Gai-sensei's class, haven't you Kuro!" He gasped, pointing an accusing finger at me. I laughed nervously once again before looking away- it seems Hatake over heard what he said. He was staring at me with a raised eyebrow, causing my face to redden by a great amount. Busted.

"Me? Ditch? No, I would never do that," I laughed nervously, looking Lee in the eye, hoping to god he would believe me. Unfortunately, Kakashi, or as I like to say Hatake, walked over and placed his hand on his hips, a outline of a smirk clear under his mask that covered half of his face- it was such a pity, I was sure he had a cute face underneath that. I found my cheeks heating up, as he placed one of his hands firmly down onto the desk, causing me to jump slightly at the bang- at that moment, it sounded like a gun shot, but of course only the other three at the table could hear; Neji, Lee and Shikamaru.

"Miss Shizuko is it true that you have been ditching Gai's class? You know the consequences of doing so, and I know the truth. Whether you admit the truth or not is entirely up to you, just know if you don't admit the truth, the punishment will be severe. Gai has mentioned you not turning up to his classes before on days where you had me and on days when he had clearly seen you," Kakashi spoke, his voice sounding threatening, causing my face to heat up as I turned my head to look at Sasuke who happened to be paired with Kiba. I swallowed as I turned my head to look at Kakashi.

"I apologize Mr Hatake but what you have said is true, it's just I'm not exactly keen on being in the same room as the man who hit on me before I knew he was a teacher at this school, I guess you could say I'm afraid in a way," I spoke, my voice barely audible. Kakashi chuckled and looked down at me as he stood up straight, he ran a hand through his hair before returning his hands to their place on his hip.

"I see, well I will let you of just this once Shizuko, do not do it again unless you want to be punished," Kakashi spoke before turning on his heel and making his way back to his desk. I gulped as I looked over at the others who's eyes were firmly locked onto me. I found my cheeks reddening as Lee stared intently at me, I couldn't help but feel slightly afraid- I was always such a shy person and being stared at like this, was absolutely not something I enjoyed, in fact I wish it would just end already. I leaned back into my seat and listened to them speak about the assignment as I tried to calm myself.

'Ding, Ding, Ding,' the bell sounded, causing me to jumped out of my seat and throw my things into my bag. I rushed out the door and made my way to the my normal lunch seat under the tree, where I popped open the cap of a bottle of water and opened the container that contained a Caesar salad. I collected some of it onto the fork I brought and placed it in my mouth, though before I could do so again, a shadow interrupted me- there stood Gai, looking unhappy. I sighed and placed the fork into the container with the salad, and closed it up before placing it into my bag and placing the cap back onto the drink and standing up- there goes my lunch time.

"Let's go Miss Shizuko," Gai frowned, causing me to grimace as soon as he turned around- Itachi and Sasuke had just gotten to the tree in time to hear what Gai had said, Itachi looked completely unhappy about the fact I was missing lunch with him. I gave him an apologetic smile before giving him the sign that I would text him later which caused him to smile at me and nod his head, as he and Sasuke waved. I waved back and followed Gai into the gym.

"Now, give me 50 push ups and then you have to do 20 laps around the gym, now Kuro. I am only going easy on you today so next time you ditch my classes, you will get 10x what you're being stuck doing now," He smirked, causing me to grimace as I dropped to the ground and gave him 50 before I stood up and took off running around the gym, Gai following close behind. Turns out, after the stupid punishment I was stuck doing, I missed half of my next class of my split double with Kakashi- talk about unlucky. Gai didn't give me any slip either, so Kakashi ranted about how I was going to have to stay after school to make up for the missed time.


I walked out school, glad to be finally finished. Itachi had waited for me with Sasuke, so I could explain everything that happened today face to face. "So what happened?" He asked, as soon as I stood next to him. I let out a sigh and looked away, feeling embarrassed, "I ditched Gai's classes and Kakashi overheard and told Gai so I had to do 50 push ups and 20 laps around the gym, and then I came late to Kakashi's class so I had to make it up to them after school," I sighed, leaning into Itachi who wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Lets get you home little one," Itachi chuckled, picking me up bridal style and carrying me home while Sasuke walked home all by himself- Itachi normally put Sasuke first, so I had no idea why I was his top priority right now. As soon as we got to my door, he set me and I unlocked the door then turned around to look at Itachi who looked nervous. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow Itachi, bye!" I smiled, leaning over and gently pecking his cheek before walking inside and shutting the door, leaving a blushing Itachi.

'Stupid, stupid, stupid, I should have told her before she went inside!' Itachi cursed himself before making his way home, feeling disappointed in himself, he didn't get to tell Kuro that he liked her. It was something he had been trying to do for a few months now but he just couldn't muster up the courage and now that he did, he blew it. As soon as Itachi got home, he went up into his room and locked himself in there and laid down on his bed, shutting his eyes and imagining what could have happened if he had told her.  

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