Chapter 18.

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Hidan grinned, "You sick bastard. You plan to steal her heart, right? Itachi will kill you." Kakuzu rolled his eyes, "He can try but he wont be able to," Kakuzu grinned wickedly. He felt his phone buzz and grimaced as he opened it to see a text from Itachi.

'Where are you!? Where is Kuro!? Is she alright? Reply soon!'

Kakuzu rolled his eyes and texted him back, as much as he hated Itachi and wanted Kuro to himself, he understood that he should let someone know she's alright and her location, just in case.

'I took her back to my place, she was unconscious but with no wounds. I think she just passed out.'

Kakuzu turned the screen off and went into the room where Kuro was and sat on the bed, next to her. He gazed at her face and smiled softly. She looked so adorable while she was sleeping. He reached over and brushed a few loose strands of hair behind her ear and leaned down, lightly kissing her temple. His eyes went to her lips when he pulled back and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her but he held himself back. She had been through too much to deserve such torture.

Kakuzu sighed and looked out the window, seeing Itachi pull up. Kakuzu grimaced, he knew he didn't have much time to be alone with her but this was ridiculous... He frowned and got up, making his way to the door. Itachi knocked just a few seconds before Kakuzu opened the door. Itachi pushed passed Kakuzu who practically growled under his breath. Itachi turned around as he got to the stairs and looked at Kakuzu, "I'm taking her to my place. I.. She needs to be with someone she trusts, she trusts my family, that I know so.. Thank you for looking after her."

Kakuzu felt his eye twitch as Itachi just waltzed up the stairs to where Kuro was and he turned his head and spat, cursing. He walked into the kitchen and sat down, listening as Itachi left through the front door with Kuro.. Beautiful Kuro.. Kakuzu sighed, for the twentieth time and listened as Itachi's car roared and then vanished down the street. Kakuzu looked at his hands before getting up as he heard sirens. He knew this would happen. Hidan ran down the stairs looking absolutely petrified.

"Dude, the cops. They are coming. HERE! What the fuck did you do!?" Kakuzu sighed and looked at Hidan, "I shot Kuro's mum and brother, that's what I did." Hidan's face went red with rage, "You fucking moron!" Kakuzu sighed and got up, "Just shut it. We are leaving the country, going on the run so get your ass in the garage so we can get the hell out of here."


Itachi switched on the TV in his room, glancing over at the sleeping Kuro and smiled before he looked at the news and his mouth dropped open. "Those bloody idiots," Itachi hissed as he quickly turned off the TV. He needed Kuro to wake up now, so they could report everything to the police. So Kuro would be safe, finally.

Itachi smiled as she yawned and her eyes fluttered open. "Itachi? W-what am I doing here.." Itachi quickly rushed to her side, "You were passed out, Kakuzu got to you first and you were at his place until I got you but I have to tell you something.." Itachi watched Kuro's expression change into one of confusion, "What?" Itachi cleared his throat, "Kakuzu shot your mother and brother and both him and Hidan are on the run."

"I... Kakuzu? He saved me then.." Kuro muttered and sighed, sitting up. Her hair fell down her shoulders and Itachi blushed a little as he thought about how beautiful she looked right then and there. "Kuro.." He whispered, caressing her cheek as he leaned in. Kuro's face went red as her eyes fluttered shut as Itachi pressed his lips against hers. The timing was horrible but it felt so right to them. Kuro lifted her arms and put them around Itachi's neck, pulling him close. His body pressed against hers, her baby bump rubbing against his abdomen.

Itachi pulled away and gazed into Kuro's eyes, blushing. "I love you Kuro," He finally confessed, a huge weight lifted off his shoulders. Kuro blushed and kissed him again, murmuring against his lips, "I love you too Itachi," He smiled and pulled her close. He wanted to continue but knew he had to get her to tell the police what really happened. He pulled back, "Kuro.. I would love to embrace you and kiss you all day but you need to report this to the police. You can stay here afterwards," Itachi smiled and she blushed.


After Kuro confessed everything to the police, Kuro's real mother and brother were locked up. It hit the news, everything that had happened. Kuro's step mother and father came to see her but she just told them she couldn't deal with them any more and was going to stay with the Uchiha's. Aki was mortified and tried dragging her away, in fact she even tried to hit her and was restrained. Itachi's mother and father came and fixed everything, agreeing to let her stay.


Kuro laid in Itachi's bed, snuggled up to his chest, breathing in his scent. Her bulging belly was pressed lightly against him but he didn't mind. He held Kuro close, his face flushed. "I love you so much Kuro.. I'm sorry.." Kuro smiled at that, "I love you too Itachi... Thank you for everything!" Itachi smiled at that and kissed her again, his heart was racing. Itachi quickly sat up then, feeling embarrassed. "Oh! I forgot to ask.." Kuro looked startled as she replied, "Ask what?" Itachi smirked, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Kuro's face went red as she nodded her head, "Yes! Oh gosh, yes!" Itachi laughed and pulled her into a warm hug, kissing her cheek.

"Well now we just have to fix everything else and clear up everything.." Kuro murmured and Itachi sighed, nodding. "Yeah.. Sakura's reaction will be hilarious!" Itachi laughed and Kuro giggled, nodding her head. "Indeed!"


Obito sat in the hotel room, located somewhere in Europe and opened his phone. He could watch the news on it from where Kuro was and that was what he was watching. His stomach churned as he gazed at Kuro's stomach, where his child was growing. It made him happy until he saw Itachi holding her as she confessed what had happened and everything else. Kuro was his. No one else's, HIS. Obito stood up, growling as he went to his drawer, pulling out his new fake passport and putting it in his pocket. He hurriedly packed two small bags and left.

"I'm coming for you Kuro, I will kill that wretched thing who you've let in and take you as mine. You will be my queen."

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