Chapter 11.

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  A/N: Just a warning there is a bit of explicit writing just underneath this, of course it isn't TOO explicit but just a warning so you can skip the first little paragraph if you don't want to read it. Also, this is also a bit short and I apologise in advance but either way, I hope you like it.


Tears dripped from Kuro's eyes as Obito forced himself in, taking away her innocence. "I love you Kuro, now scream my name!" Obito hissed into her ear, causing her to cry out. 'Why did this have to happen?' She thought to herself, 'First I lose my memory and now this.. Why hasn't anybody noticed?' She whimpered as Obito slapped her, leaving a bright red mark. "I said scream my name!" He yelled into her ear, causing her to cry out as she forced his name out from between her lips. "That's a good girl," Obito gently stroked her hair.

"Why?" She whimpered when he rolled off of her, he reached over and untied the ropes that held her body still and chucked them to the ground, watching as she buried herself under the blankets. "Because I love you Kuro but you never noticed me, even as a friend. It killed me inside so I decided I had to take what was rightfully mine," Obito hissed out, pulling her into his side and gently kissing her temple. Kuro whimpered as more tears fell from her blue eyes. Obito turned over and kissed the tears away, rolling on top of her.

Obito kissed her passionately as she struggled under his grasp, wanting nothing more than to get away. Obito sighed afterwards and got off, getting up and getting changed he walked over to the door, his heart aching. "I'm sorry Kuro," Obito said before walking out and shutting the door. Kuro watched and slowly got up, her body aching in certain places as she stumbled into a room which happened to be a bathroom. She sighed in relief and showered and changed into her clothing which lay all over the floor. She sat on the bed and played with her fingers to entertain herself.

The door then opened and Obito stood in the doorway, "Kuro.. You can go now," Obito muttered, his voice devoid of any emotion. Kuro stood up and rushed past and out the front door and ignored the pain that rushed through her body. She ran all the way home, tears dripping from her eyes. She ended up tripping as she neared the street that she could vaguely remember though she still knew the way there. She whimpered as she pushed herself up, blood dripped from her nose. She pulled herself onto her knees and caressed her face in her palms.

Kuro cried into her palms, loud sobs escaping her lips as the blood continued to drip. "Kuro!?" A manly voice yelled causing her to look up and come face to face to an attractive male- he had long brown hair and almost white eyes; a beautiful combination. He rushed over to her side and held her face in his palms, worry written all over his face. "What happened!?" He whispered/yelled, truly concerned about Kuro. "I... tripped," She whispered, leaving out Obito and the painful experience she experienced. "You're bleeding.." He whispered and rummaged through his bag and pulled out tissues.

He pressed the tissues to her nose and tilted her head back, telling her comforting words. He pulled her into her arms and checked her nose which had stopped bleeding, "Thank god.. It seems you only had a nose bleeding, no real damage," The boy whispered with a relieved smile, "Oh," He seemed startled, "I'm Neji Hyuga, I almost forgot you lost your memory," The boy, Neji, chuckled with a blush on his cheeks. "It's nice to meet you, again.." Kuro whispered as she gazed at him before her eyes fell upon a few boys walking up from behind them.

Two of the boys in the group looked oddly familiar but she couldn't remember and pursed her lips in frustration, forcing herself to remember. "Kuro!?" The two boys, who looked similar to Obito, yelled simultaneously as they rushed over towards her causing Neji to grimace and glare in another direction. Kuro furrowed her brows as she tried to remember but her head started aching and her vision started to go black..


Itachi couldn't control his thoughts during the school day- his mind kept wondering to Obito and Kuro. Why would she be unconscious and why the hell would he be holding her like that? Itachi shook his head and got back to work, doing the math equations easily and finishing them within ten minutes. Itachi sighed as he handed the sheet in to his teacher and sat with Deidara and Sasori who were bickering about Kuro and Obito. "Shut up about them already," Itachi hissed out, getting incredibly pissed off with their bicker.

Deidara and Sasori went quiet and gazed at Itachi with confused expressions. "What's wrong? There's obviously something going on between the two; they're made for each other!" Hidan cut in, a smirk on his face. Kakuzu grimaced and muttered under his breath, "She's made for me more like it.." They all ignored him as Itachi cracked and had a go at Hidan, calling him every name in the book.

The teacher ignored Itachi and kept lecturing the others- Itachi was the smartest male in the class, it was an all males class after all, and the only male to ever actually finish his work on time and come to class on time. "Look, just shut up and don't speak. I need some time to comprehend my thoughts," Itachi sighed and rested his head on the table trying to get the images that were now placed in his mind to go away. Itachi took a deep breath as he finally calmed down and got into a conversation with the others.

As soon as class finished, Itachi sat with Sasuke at lunch. "Hey Itachi, there are rumors going on about Kuro and Obito.. I'm really confused about it, she lost her memory so I doubt she would trust someone so easily," Itachi started feeling queasy but ignored the feeling in the pit of his stomach and waved it off as a mistake, "He was probably carrying her home because she feinted or hurt her ankle. She never felt comfortable around large groups, or elders looking at her. I love that about her.." Itachi whispered, a smile coming onto his face.

Sasuke sighed and shook his head, "I don't think so.. I, personally, think Obito was up to something. She isn't the type to give in to strangers, even if she were to lose her memories. I'm worried about Kuro, I hope she's alright," Sasuke sighed and looked away in the direction of his love, Tenten. Fortunately for Sasuke, Karin hadn't attended school since he told her to leave him alone because he couldn't stand to be with her- he loved Tenten more than anything. Karin cried and ran off, Sasuke was pretty sure she moved houses and schools in the process. "Let's check it out after school," Itachi mumbled, and Sasuke agreed. "We'll check her house," Sasuke added with a smile as the bell rang. "I'll meet you after school."

As soon as school finished, Itachi and Sasuke made there way to Kuro's house but saw Kuro in Neji's arms looking directly at them with a frustrated expression. "Kuro!?" They both yelled at the same time and rushed towards her as she collapsed..


"I told you boys to keep the hell away from my step-daughter!" Aki yelled as she shoved her pointer finger into Itachi's chest, glaring up at him. Aito stood next to Aki with a blank expression on his face. Itachi frowned and looked away, "I apologise Aki, I just didn't think that would happen if I came up to her directly like that," Itachi said with as much courage as he could manage. "That's not the point Itachi, I told you to stay away from her. I don't want to have to put a warrant out-" She was interrupted when the doctor walked in, "Are you aware of what Kuro has been up to Mrs. Shizuko," The doctor looked like he didn't want to say anything.

"What on earth do you mean?" Aki whispered, calming down a little though she was terribly worried. "It seems Kuro has taken part in sexual activities but from what we can tell- it was forced upon her. Unfortunately, we couldn't find any semen that could help identify the man," The doctor explained and Aki's face went bright red in anger, "You raped her too you bloody bastard!? No wonder she feinted! She must have been terrified!" Aki screamed, and the doctor was forced to restrain her when she slapped Itachi across the face. Aito stood there with a remorseful expression.

"I didn't touch her like that! I love her Aki, I could never harm her in such way! If you're going to accuse anyone of raping her, blame Obito, that bastard carried her out of school while she was unconscious! You can yell at me for not suspecting something but not for touching her like that! I'm not that kind of man Aki," Itachi spat, his heart aching as he fell to his knees crying- his one true love had lost her innocence to a man that Itachi despised more than anything.

He vowed revenge on Obito Uchiha.  

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