Chapter 4.

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I pulled Hinata through the front door and past the Sasuke and the two traitors, ignoring how Hinata had tensed upon seeing that beast. I sighed in contentment as soon as I pulled Hinata into my room and shut the door, locking it. "W-why is Sakura here?" Hinata whispered, looking as cute as ever which caused me to smile. So innocent- so pure. "I honestly don't know- when I came home they happened to be at my door but I ignored them and walked in, shutting the door in their faces. Although, that didn't stop them from knocking on the door and since Aki knows and likes Itachi and Sasuke, she let them in," I sighed, sitting on my bed and staring at my shoes.

"Plus," I added, "Sakura is now dating Itachi," I whispered, my voice sounding hurt. I didn't know why, I couldn't possibly like Itachi! "But from what I heard, you and Sakura aren't friends at all but you and Itachi were close. Why would he date her?" She asked, sitting down next to me and examining me with her lovely eyes. I sighed and shook my head, leaning back onto the bed and staring up at the roof. "I don't know Hinata, I really don't know," I whispered.


"Bye Hinata, I'll see you tomorrow at school!" I yelled, waving goodbye before walking in, a big smile on my face. She had just told me that she would introduce me to Neji, her cousin- he hasn't met Itachi before but he absolutely despises the Uchiha's so the chance that he would help me was quite high and that made me absolutely ecstatic! I sighed as I placed my hands together and held them close to my face, a grin on my face. Her cousin was adorable!

"Kuro, you seem awfully happy. Did something happen with you and that Hyuga girl?" Aki asked, leaning against the kitchen door with a smirk- you see, ever since I accidentally kissed Tenten a few months back, Aki has been teasing me when I end up happy after a girl leaves. I'm completely straight, but that time, me and Tenten were experimenting. We were both sitting there after accidentally opening a porn site and seeing two girls and we couldn't help it, we kissed but we didn't feel anything and it just so happens that Aki had just walked in to ask a question. Me and Tenten still talk but not as much as we use to. It was kind of embarrassing for the first few days after. Nobody knows but me, Aki and Tenten, we refuse to tell anyone else about our experiment.

"No, she's just a friend. Sakura, that pink haired girl is dating Itachi and Hinata's crush happens to have a thing for Sakura. Now me and her have a plan to get Sakura back for all those years," I said, a smile on my face before remembering something- Aki never met Sakura, ever, my father has though. "Ask Aito if you really want to know what I mean," I said before rushing up the stairs, trying to hide the grin on my face. I rushed into my room and shut the door, locking it as I pulled out my journal, examining the plan both me and Hinata wrote.

"I can't wait," I whispered, looking over at my phone which lit up, 'Neji is over at my place so I'm going to bring him over now. It's not late yet so I hope you're okay with it. -Hina-chan'. I giggled as I read the message and looked at myself in the mirror- I looked happy, happier than ever! I quickly replied back with an okay before brushing my hair and walking gracefully down the stairs, not wanting to make myself look bad in front of the famous Neji Hyuga!

"Kuro dear, Hinata and a boy is here to see you!" Aki called, just as I walked down the stairs- Aki was unaware of the fact that I was, once upon a time, to be married with Neji. It was my real mother that had wanted it but she left, leaving me and Aito alone, that is until he found Aki and fell in love once more. It was quite adorable- she hadn't seen her father so happy in ages. "Hinata, Neji," I bowed before introducing my step-mother and Neji before whisking them away to my room where we sat and explained our plan to Neji.

"I'm up for it," Neji shrugged, "I was suppose to be married to you anyway's so I guess continuing with it wouldn't matter," Neji sighed before giving a slight smile. I grinned and hugged him, whispering a 'thank you' into his ear. I wasn't to keen on actually marrying Neji but we planned to put it off for a few years in case I changed my mind or Neji met a girl that he liked. Neji put him arms around me and slowly rubbed my back. I giggled slightly and pulled away, smiling warmly.

"I know this is rude to say, but didn't you have pink hair before and blue eyes?" Neji asked, causing me to grimace slightly. "After I found out about Sakura and Itachi, I ran home a mess and decided to change my appearance for a while. I dyed my hair this colour because well, I have always wanted to and put in my contacts," I answered, shrugging with a small smile planted on my face. Neji nodded his head, not quite understanding but not being bothered to question it.

Not long after that Neji and Hinata left, but Neji had pecked my cheek before he walked out. I couldn't help the slight blush that covered my face. Neji was quite cute, but I had imagined Itachi doing it and my face felt as hot as a oven! It was an embarrassing thing to think about but it was true, I always blushed when Itachi kissed my cheek or would hug me.I sighed and walked into my room, glancing at the time before changing into my pajamas- tomorrow was Sunday so I would just shower in the afternoon or in the morning. I thought an early night wouldn't hurt seeing as I had nothing to do so I quickly rushed down stairs and ate an apple, having a bottle of water and going back to my room and going to sleep.


Itachi sighed as he walked into his room- Kuro had completely ignored him, she wouldn't even speak to him! He felt terrible, he didn't mean to date Sakura. He just wanted to make Kuro jealous, not to make her hate him but he screwed up, big time. She hates his guts now and he can't bear the thought. He just lost his one and only love- the girl he can tell anything, well almost anything to. Itachi grimaced and stood up, stripping down into a pair of boxers and throwing a singlet on before making his way into his youngest brothers room.

"Sasuke, I know you don't really want to speak to me right now but please, I need Kuro to speak to me! I'll stop talking to Sakura, anything, please I just want Kuro back," He whispered, his fist curled into a tight ball- blood dripping from his nails piercing the flesh on his palm. Sasuke gazed up at his older brother with a blank expression- he didn't want to speak to Itachi. Itachi tore Kuro's fragile heart right into two pieces. Sasuke could only wonder how Kuro would get Itachi back, he couldn't stop his mind from wondering off to Obito and the Neji Hyuga boy that Kuro had mentioned in a text. Her parents had been thinking of arranging a marriage between the two, of course they decided not to.

"I don't know Itachi but let me warn you- Kuro will get you back, whether it be by agreeing to marry Neji Hyuga or to speak to Obito, better yet, to date Obito. Kuro is a lot smarter than you think Itachi, she's lazy. That's why you don't know anything about her. Kuro's IQ is a lot higher than Sakura's, Kuro has just been sick lately. The last thing on her mind is homework, tests and assignments- she doesn't care if she fails," Sasuke replied, bitterly as he glared at his older, stupid brother.

"Neji Hyuga? Aren't the Hyuga's known for martial arts? Wait, arranged marriage!? Kuro never told me," Itachi trailed off, he had no idea about that- Itachi thought Kuro told him everything, but why hadn't she brought up this? Itachi had a right to know. "Yes, a arranged marriage. She never told you because she was afraid it would hurt you, she knows you care, although she doesn't know you have feelings towards her. She's blind Itachi, no matter how obvious you make it seem, she won't notice. Just like how she hasn't noticed how she feels," Sasuke replied before getting up and leaving the room, leaving Itachi alone to ponder his thoughts.

Itachi groaned and grasped his hair in his bloody palms before storming into his room- Itachi could never hate Kuro nor Sasuke but at this moment, he despised both of them. They're both hiding secrets from him and he hated that! "What happened to 'we tell each other everything," Itachi scoffed, throwing himself onto his bed, glaring at the wall like a child. Itachi didn't care though, he only wanted Kuro back but at that moment, he hated her for hiding that damned secret and for being so, so stupid! Itachi scowled as he slipped under his covers, deciding that now would be best to have a nap before having to get ready for work which was in a mere 2 hours.

Sasuke sighed as he got himself a bowl of ice-cream; why did his brother have to be so thick-headed? It was obvious Kuro liked him and that he liked her back, Sasuke was sick of this. He just wanted his best friend and brother back- they've changed so much and he hated it. He hated it more than anything in this world! Sasuke sighed and poured some chocolate topping and sprinkles onto his ice-cream before eating it, letting his mind wonder off into many thoughts, all of which containing Kuro and his current crush, Tenten. Sasuke was slightly embarrassed to admit it but he had known Tenten for a while now and found himself crushing on her. Sasuke sighed as he blushed before shaking his head clear- he didn't have time for this, he had a huge test coming up tomorrow!

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