Chapter 3.

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"Ita-kun," I whispered as I poked Itachi's forehead continuously, just waiting for him to sit up. Of course, this continued for five minutes before his eyes finally opened. I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips as I noticed the little jump he did and the blush that crossed his cheeks after wards. "Kuro, what are you doing here at," He paused and looked over at his alarm clock before bolting up, "It's 12 already! Crap, I'm going to be so late for my date- why didn't you wake me up!" Itachi yelled as he stripped down in front of me and threw on random clothes, leaving me with a bright red face.

"I was trying to wake you, I have been for an hour now but you wouldn't budge," I mumbled, twirling a piece of my pink locks around my index finger before looking up at Itachi who seemed to have froze as he watched me with his gorgeous brown eyes. I quickly turned away again and continued to twirl the piece of hair, listening to Itachi curse as he pulled his pants of his tux on. I sighed slightly and stood up but tripped as I realized what he had said before.

"Ita-kun, w-who are you going on a date with?" I asked as quietly as possible, finding myself scared to know his reply. Itachi grimaced and did up his shirt while his face remained in a thinking stance- was he trying to figure out how to tell me? I stood there patiently as I stared at Itachi, he once again had bags under his eyes. "I'm going on a date with Sakura Haruno," Itachi spoke. I felt my heart break slightly as I quickly tore my eyes away, I could feel this feeling in my body- It was like my body was on fire. I quickly ran out of the room, feeling the warm tears slide down my face as I ran home, ignoring Sasuke calling my name.


"Kuro, are you alright?" Sasuke asked as he walked in and sat on the side of my bed, stroking my hair as I let the last of my tears soak the pillow. I lifted my head up and looked up at Sasuke and gave him a small smile. "I-I'm alright, although I don't know why I'm even crying," I laughed lightly before looking into Sasuke's eyes which reminded me of Itachi. I felt my bottom lip quiver before I burst into another fit of tears.

"What happened?" Sasuke whispered as he moved my body to where I was curled up in his chest with my face buried into his shoulder as he ran his long slender fingers through my hair. I sniffled and looked up at him and forced another smile. "Itachi is going on a date with Sakura," I whispered- I absolutely hated Sakura, me and her were great friends once but then she changed and started telling everyone my secrets and practically bullied me. I couldn't take it and I told her off and punched her in the jaw, of course it didn't end well for me but I was happy that it shut her up.

"Sakura? But why would he date her of all people, I mean she's a bit young for him and he knows she has made your life hell," Sasuke said, placing a finger on his chin, looking like he was deep in thought, thinking of all the possibilities. "I don't know but all I know is that she's trying to get back at me and god, I feel so pathetic. I have never let anything she's done before effect me and now look at me, I'm a bloody wreck!" I cried, clutching onto Sasuke's shirt before pulling away as a familiar song went off in the background, signaling Itachi was calling.

I crawled over to the small set of drawers where my phone sat and picked it up, staring at the picture of Itachi hugging me from behind- both of us wearing a toothy smile. I frowned and threw my phone at the wall, which of course was stupid of me. Sasuke placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a sympathetic smile before standing up and pulling his jacket on. "I'll have to see you later Kuro, please get better. If I didn't have work in half an hour, bye beautiful," Sasuke said, walking over and kissing my forehead before leaving.

I looked over at the remains of my phone before standing up and looking at myself in the mirror- I looked like absolute crap, my hair was a wreck and my small amount of make-up was all over my cheeks. I walked into my bathroom and turned the shower on and stripped down before climbing in and cleaning myself up. Although, half way through I remembered the white-silver dye I had in my drawer and turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around my body and quickly dried my hair before doing what I had to do with the dye and putting it in my hair.

I walked into my room and looked at my hair that was once pink and was now silver- it looked great although my eyes, I didn't like them. I opened the small box I had that contained all my contacts in a little cases filled with water and pulled out an orange-y red like colour and set it down and changed into a white dress with a few red parts. I wanted to make Itachi drool when I came to there's for dinner. I chuckled and put my contacts in before walking downstairs and twirling in front of Aito and Aki, who both smiled and clapped while throwing some lovely comments at me.

I walked along the pavement towards the Uchiha household and knocked on the door, clasping my hands together in front of me and waited for Mikoto to answer which she did after a minute. "Oh my, Kuro you look gorgeous! Uh, but didn't you get the message? We had to cancel tonight because Itachi wanted Sakura to come," Mikoto smiled weakly at me. I could feel my smile vanishing into a thin line before I turned around and stomped down the pathway. This can't be happening! Itachi really has changed.. He always promised me that he would never choose another girl over me because I was hid best friend- what guy dates the girl that made his best friend's life hell?

As I walked along the streets, I couldn't help the tears that fell from my face and hit the pavement. Right now, at this moment, I wanted nothing more than to be hit by a truck- then maybe, just maybe, Itachi might come back to his senses. I chuckled to myself and shook my head, letting a small smile creep its way onto my face as I remembered something but Itachi- he never really liked Obito. In fact, it was like they were enemies and if Itachi wants to play with fire, then he should beware because I'm going to put that fire out and make him pay for leaving me, of course it does sound quite obsessive but he's my best friend.

"Sup sexy," A voice said from behind me, causing me to turn around and look a guy with purple eyes and similar hair to mine. Next to him stood a fairly tan man that was quite tall with dark green eyes and black hair- he was quite handsome. I believe his name was Kakuzu and purple eyes was Hidan, both of them being friends with Itachi.

"Oh hey, you're that Kuro chick, ye?" Hidan laughed, giving me a smirk. "I heard Itachi ditched you for another pinkie. I heard she's the smarted in our school apart from Itachi and Sasuke of course," He chuckled, causing me to frown and clench my fist before I slammed it into his jaw, sending him flying three feet. Kakuzu chuckled and smirked at me, "I like you," He said before turning around and helping dick-wad up. I grimaced and turned on my heel and stormed off.

I sat down on the local parks swings and slowly swung myself, staring up at the graying clouds before turning my attention to another girl sitting not far away with her face buried into her hands, now I'm not normally a softy for others but there was something about that girl. I climbed off the swing and walked over to her and sat down right next to her, gazing at her lovely dark blue hair.

"Are you alright?" I questioned as she slowly looked up at me, her pale Grey eyes- almost a pure white- searched my face before her face reddened slightly. "Y-you're Kuro Shizuko," She whispered, causing me to tilt my head at her. "Yes, I am. How do you know me?" I questioned which caused her face to redden again. "M-my name is Hinata Hyuga, I've heard about your family and your skill in martial arts. I've always looked up to you," She whispered, looking away and at the sky. I stared at her for a minute then it hit me, I've heard of her family. She was the top clan in Martial Arts- the absolute best. I remember hearing of her name, she was weak compared to the others.

Hinata Hyuga, I believed she was nothing but weak and specialized in something other than Martial Arts, perhaps she would be better at long range fighting or maybe, she was destined to be a nurse and help the weak! "I've heard of you, of course I never believed the things they said. You were born for something other than Martial arts, whether it be for long range fighting or maybe you were destined to be a nurse," I chuckled, causing her face to redden once again.

"T-thank you Kuro, that means a lot," She whispered before looking away again. "So tell me Hinata, why are you sad?" I asked, giving her another warm smile which once again caused her to blush. "I-I w-well, I like this boy," She started, "But he likes Sakura," I felt my heart break slightly- was she talking about Itachi? "His name is Naruto. He's handsome and kind- he's strong too!" She added, a smile molding it's way onto her face. I felt my facial expression soften at that, I had never met a girl like her.

"Naruto Uzumaki?" I asked and she nodded, "He's a nice kid, I think you two would make a cute couple. He might help bring you out of your shell," I chuckled as her face went twenty shades of red. She sure was a strange one but I couldn't help but admit it, she was adorable. "Well sorry Hinata, I have to head off. Here's my number, text or call whenever," I said, telling her my number as she put it in her phone before we said our goodbyes and I left.


"Kuro, Sasuke and Itachi are here, there's also some strange girl here!" Aki said, causing me to grimace as I opened my door and glared at my step-mother. "I don't care, tell them I'm busy," I hissed as I slammed my door and locked it, walking over to my bed and folding my arms as I sat cross legged on my bed. I wish I had stayed with Hinata because as soon as I walked through the door, I was greeted by no other than Itachi Uchiha and Sakura Haruno. I heard a sigh from behind my door before I heard her footsteps leading away from my bedroom door.

'Kuro, it's Hinata.' My phone lit up, that message playing on the screen. I crawled over my bed and smiled at the text as I quickly replied back, asking if she wanted to come over, of course to just gossip and talk about our crushes. She had agreed so I sent her a text containing my address before I jumped up and slipped my flats on and ran out my door and down the stairs, ignoring the voices that called me. I rushed outside and stood there, waiting for Hinata to turn up so we could talk. I never knew how much I needed a female friend.

Maybe, she can help me hurt Sakura ten fold.

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