Chapter 14.

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  Kuro walked into school around a week later, after she had gotten that text from Itachi she felt... uncomfortable. She had ignored the text and him on purpose and started hanging around Neji again, not as a couple but as friends. Kuro sighed as she stared at her desk, playing with her eraser before looking up and locking eyes with Kakashi, her teacher. Oh joy, he must have noticed she wasn't paying attention. "Ms. Shizuka, what is the answer to question 6?" Kakashi tapped the board with a ruler and Kuro swallowed, "Oh uh... It's onomatopoeia," She murmured, crossing her fingers.

Kakashi was silent before he nodded, "That's... correct," He said before he started harassing Naruto with questions, "What is the answer to question 7?" She turned her gaze to Naruto, "Oh.. It's... Alliteration! No.. Wait, repetition!" Kakashi grimaced and shook his head, "It's assonance..." He turned away and his eyes met Sasuke's, "Sasuke, you can do question 8 seeing as Naruto got question 7 wrong," Kakashi gave Naruto this look of disappointment. "It's easy," Sasuke replied, "It's juxtaposition," Sasuke replied, challenging the teacher. She found herself giggling at that, earning the attention of Neji who blushed and looked away.

Kuro smiled at this and found herself anticipating the end of the day. As soon as class finished, she rushed over to Neji after packing her things away and stood there, smiling at him the entire time. Neji quickly packed his things away, blushing as he kept glancing at Kuro and catching her staring with that beautiful smile of hers. Neji stood up and put his bag on, "Do you want me to carry yours?" Kuro giggled, "Oh, sure! So, you coming to mine, correct?" He blushed and took the bag, "Yeah, lead the way," He blushed, causing her to grin before leading him to her place.


"Kuro is.. pregnant?" Aki fell to her knees at the news, she had just been informed of the results from Kuro's last check-up and she felt her world collapse around her. Kuro would be bullied at school and she wouldn't be able to do anything about it."Love, what's wrong?" Aito asked as he walked into the room to his lover crying while holding the phone. "She's pregnant, Kuro is pregnant. That bastard Uchiha has gotten my baby pregnant!" Aki lashed out and threw the phone against the wall, collapsing into her lovers arms. Aito pulled Aki close and shut his eyes.

"Everything will be fine Aki, Kuro is strong and she will be able to handle it. She IS my daughter after all," Aito chuckled and Aki frowned, "No need to remind me that she isn't my daughter love.." Aki smiled wryly and Aito hurriedly apologised, his face flushed in embarrassment. Aito leaned down and kissed Aki lovingly before he heard the door open and Kuro walked in, looking cheerful with Neji at her side, his arm around her waist as her head rested on his shoulder. "Is everything all right?" Kuro asked, pulling away from Neji, blushing as she did so.

Neji awkwardly scratched the back of his head and gave a polite wave as Aki stood up and walked over to Kuro, pulling her into a comforting embrace. "Aki?" Kuro asked, face flushed with embarrassment. "We need to talk, could you leave the room for a minute Neji dear?" Neji nodded and left, but not before kissing Kuro's cheek with a blush. "You might want to have a seat," Kuro gave Aki a look before she sat down, "So, what's so important?" Aki looked over at Aito who looked... awkward. "We got the results back today.." Aki mumbled.

"It was complete bad news.." Aki took a deep breath, "You're pregnant," Aki shut her eyes but opened one eye when she had gotten no response from Kuro. When she opened her eyes what she saw, shocked her to the core. Kuro had her legs pulled up to her chest and seemed to be shaking, most likely crying. Aki immediately rushed over to Kuro and wrapped her arms around her, rocking her back and forth, whispering soothing words. It was at that moment that Neji peeked in to check if they were done and gasped when he saw Kuro.

He hurried over and took Kuro from Aki, pulling her right into his arms and kissing her hair softly. "Kuro, I don't know what's happened but I swear I won't leave you. I'll stay by your side through everything because you are the one I love more than anything. You may not be ready to be with me, let alone anyone, but I will stay by your side and support you," Kuro looked up at this and smiled weakly. "Thank you Neji, I swear that I will return your feelings one day," Kuro kissed his cheek, "I promise," She whispered.


Obito sat in the hotel room, watching the news, waiting for Madara to return. He was bored out of his mind and he felt this desire to see Kuro but he knew he couldn't, not after what he did. He groaned and threw himself back onto the bed in frustration. He rolled onto his side and picked up his new phone, he wanted nothing more than to text her and apologise for everything he did but... He couldn't, Madara would kill him. It was at that moment that Madara entered and he seemed frustrated.

"That girl you like so much is pregnant, and you're the father Obito. You screwed up," Madara growled and Obito jumped up and looked terrified, "She's pregnant? I-I... I feel so happy but miserable.. I won't be in her life to look after the child.." Obito murmured and Madara just growled, "She won't keep it Obito, now pack up, we have to leave again. We won't be able to come back for a long time so when we do, you can visit then and try and win her heart as another person but for now.. We are on the run," Obito nodded and jumped up, his heart was racing.

"Your heart will be mine Kuro Shizuka."  

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