Chapter 13.

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It's been a month since everything happened. Kuro had recovered mentally from everything, she had to see a counsellor every fortnight now. It was not surprising seeing as all the crap that happened. Itachi had started avoiding her in the halls, Sasuke spoke to her but not as much. It was all strange to her. She remembered people trying to get her to remember things when she lost her memory but now that she has it back, it's almost like no one cares any more. She asks herself why every night but smiles and shakes her head, who needs them?

She stretched as she woke up but felt tired, though that's what normally happens when she only gets 6 hours. It was the holidays for her, but she was exhausted nevertheless. She pulled her legs over the edge of her bed but she felt nauseous and placed a hand on her stomach and shut her eyes. "Aki!" She called out frantically, she was worried that perhaps her condition had gotten worse, nothing else had popped into her mind. Aki walked in and yawned, she had work so she was up early. "Yes sweetheart?" She sat down next Kuro and smiled.

"I am unsure, I'm feeling nauseous like I need to throw up and I have been quite tired lately. Is this a sign that my condition is getting worse?" Kuro asked, tilting her head to the side. Aki went quiet and pursed her lips, "Well, I'm not entirely sure. I'll make an appointment with your doctor for as soon as possible. If it does involve your condition, you will need treatment before it get's worse. Get dressed Kuro, you're coming to work today with me, don't forget. I got you a job and I expect you to be ready for it," She grinned.

Kuro got up and popped her back, "All right, I'll be down within 20 minutes. I'll just brush my teeth, do my hair and get dressed," Aki nodded and kissed Kuro's forehead and left, shutting the door. Kuro got up and vanished into the bathroom, touching her hair up and brushing her teeth. When she walked out, she opened her wardrobe and picked through her clothing, finding tight, black jeans and her t-shirt that was required for work. She quickly got dressed and ran downstairs, popping down into a chair and eating the toast that was placed in front of her.

"You have an appointment an hour after we finished today so as soon as we leave, we have to head off straight after," Kuro nodded and continued eating happily, glancing at a new text. It was nothing special and from no one that meant anything to her, at least not any more. 'I'm sorry Kuro, please reply. I need to speak to you desperately, I miss you.' Kuro quickly deleted the text and placed her phone back into its place in her pocket. "I'm ready to go now," Kuro jumped up and placed the plate into the sink.


After work Kuro and Aki made their way to the doctors. She had a nice young lad as a doctor, Dr. Stahler. He had messy brown hair that was always gelled back and hazel eyes with a cute southern accent. She sat down in the waiting room and waited for her step-mother to talk with the woman at the counter before her mother joined her. Kuro was texting Neji at the time, telling him of what was happening and he was terribly worried about her and asked her to tell her the results, which she gladly agreed about.

"Kuro Shizuka," the woman called out, "Dr. Stahler is waiting just down the hall. His door is open so just walk in," Aki smiled and thanked her and started walking with Kuro following close behind her. As soon as they walked in, the attractive man who sat in front of a computer, smiled warmly and offered them a seat. They sat down and immediately got onto everything, explaining the past occurrences and how Kuro has been feeling. He nodded his head, "All right, I'll take a blood test and we will mail you the results, or call you up. Your choice and after that, depending on what's happening, you will need to make an appointment and I will take care of the rest."

Kuro smiled slightly and nodded as Aki clapped her hands, "That sounds fair, could you call and tell us the results?" He smiled and nodded, "Okay, well, while Kuro get's her blood taken, I will wait outside," She stood up and left, leaving Kuro blushing and playing with her ponytail as he set everything up. "Relax Ms. Shizuka, everything will be okay. It'll only hurt a bit, or so I hear," He chuckled and gave a friendly smile as he did what he does.

When everything was done, Kuro smiled warmly and thanked him as she left, finally dismissed. She walked down the hall with Aki, her phone in her hand as she texted Neji what she was told, giggling as he replied back. She found her mind wandering back to the time when they were 'dating'. He seemed to genuinely care and she liked that but she was naive and wanted Itachi, she couldn't explain why though it was obvious. She feigned ignorance towards that fact- he wasn't worth her love.

Kuro got into the passenger side and waited for Aki to start up the car before flicking through the radio, trying to find a song that piqued her interest. Aki watched her from the corner of her eye at every red light, with a worried expression. Kuro pulled her phone out and started playing a game on her phone, chewing on some gum as she groaned in frustration every now and then when she mucked up. Aki chuckled slightly and glared at the Uchiha household as they drove past it. "You spoken to the Uchiha's lately?" Kuro made a face before shaking her head.

"Nope, I'm being ignored by a lot of people. Only people texting me are the girls and Neji, I'm thinking that maybe I should get with him for real, I'm not sure but he's sweet and seems to care for me. He may be worth it, though I don't want to trouble anyone if my condition is getting worse so it all depends on that. I don't want to make someone miserable because I'm going to die," Kuro laughed awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable as a tension formed. "Yeah... I suppose that's understandable," She murmured, though no one spoke after that.


"Kuro," Itachi breathed as he held his pillow close to his chest, a picture of her in his hand. She looked happy while he... he was miserable. He was different- tired, lonely, cold. He was your typical jerk that the heroine falls for in movies and books, and he hoped that Kuro was the heroine and he was her saviour. It was strange to think that but he wanted to help her get better, but she seemed to be... different. He knew Obito probably messed her up emotionally but he couldn't help but think about her all the time.

He ran a finger along the picture, placing his finger on her lips and smiling softly as he pictured his lips against hers before the image vanished. How many boys has she kissed? Probably a lot, she's beautiful.. Itachi groaned and clutched his head in frustration, "I'm so worthless," He whimpered as he rolled on to his side and shut his eyes. He then quickly whipped out his phone sending her a message,

'Kuro, my dearest, I know you may hate me. I do not blame you, I hate myself too at times, especially when I hurt you. But please do not force me out of your life, I wish to be your saviour, your one and only. I know you may not feel the same, but please consider that I could help. I'll study so I can become a doctor, to heal and protect you because.... I love you.'

And then he sent it.

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