Chapter 6.

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"What do you mean the ghost of me? I'm still the same," Itachi spat back at Sasuke, glaring daggers at his younger brother. Sasuke's mouth fell open before he shook his head, tears threatening to spill from his onyx eyes. "Oh yeah? What happened to you being a loyal friend! You always promised Kuro to never leave her and now look, you left her. Do you know how much this kills her inside? Oh wait, why the hell would you care if you left her!" Sasuke yelled, tears falling from his eyes in anger.

"I left her to protect her from Sakura okay," Itachi lied, causing Sasuke to quiet down as he stared up at his older brother with a pained expression. "Why do you have to protect her? Sakura has never gone that far in her entire life," Sasuke asked his face completely emotionless. Itachi gulped as he tore his eyes away, his mind being swallowed into thoughts of lies. "She said that she would use her money to embarrass Kuro so bad that she would leave the school and her destined death was to come closer," Itachi lied smoothly, regretting every word. Sasuke's eyes widened as he shook his head furiously.

"That bitch!"


"Kuro, I'm bored," Tenten whined into my ear causing me to let out a groan of frustration. "Go do something then Tenten," I groaned, turning onto my side and pulling the blanket over my head and smiling at how warm the bed was. Tenten then ripped the blanket off causing me to let out a scream as I tried to grab the blanket- the cold air nipping at my exposed skin. "Sorry but I'm bored and I want to talk to you about things.You're the only one I can trust," Tenten sighed, climbing onto the bed and laying behind me, placing her arms around me, snuggling her head into my neck.

"But I'm tired," I whined, grabbing a pillow and putting it over my legs, trying to keep them warm. Tenten let out a laugh as she tore the pillow from my grip and threw it across the room. I let out a sigh and turned around, giving Tenten a look. "You have 5 minutes, hurry up," I grumbled causing her to let out a laugh before she smiled innocently.

"Well, I like Sasuke," Tenten blushed causing my eyebrow to raise as I moved into a more comfortable position, "And?" I asked causing her to blush. "He asked me out and I said yes and this all happened while you were sleeping!" She giggled, causing me to jolt up and stare at her with my mouth ajar. "Are you being serious?" I asked, a huge grin spreading across my face. She nodded her head and looked away, "But there's bad news too, apparently Sakura is two timing Itachi with Naruto. Naruto knows and he's okay with it because well he loves her," Tenten mumbled.

"What!?" I yelled, sitting up-right and staring at Tenten. "It's true Kuro, I didn't believe it either but it's true," Tenten whispered, looking away with a frown on her face. I turned my head to look over at the sleeping Hinata who laid on the spare bed right across from me. "This news is going to kill Hinata," I whispered, turning my head to look at Tenten who was staring at Hinata's sleeping face.

"How has he not noticed," Tenten whispered after a minute of silence, causing me to tear my eyes from Hinata. "I really don't know Tenten but I wonder if Naruto will ever wake up to himself," I whispered, my mind trailing of to Itachi. "I agree but I think the same with Itachi. ow could he just up and go, leaving you alone? That's just heartless especially after I heard that he's in love with you," Tenten said, thinking out loud causing my face to redden.

"What!? He does not like me, seriously. That's ridiculous. I mean seriously, if he liked me he wouldn't have left me for that.. that.. ugh!" I threw my hands up to my face, covering my gaze from Tenten. Tenten let out a little giggle before she placed a hand on my shoulder, "It almost sounds like you like him back," Tenten pointed out, grinning at me. I pulled my hands away and looked over at Tenten with a giggle and smiled.

"What are you two talking about?" Hinata yawned, sitting up and crawling over the attached bed to sit in front of me and Tenten. "We're just talking about the depressing subjects," I sighed, leaning back onto the pillows and stretching. Hinata sighed and looked out the window. "Oh, any news about Naruto?" Hinata asked shyly, causing Tenten to grimace, not wanting to tell her. "Well Hinata, it's not good news," I whispered, giving her a small smile. Hinata looked confused as she looked between us.

"What exactly do you mean? Is Sakura involved? But why would she be involved when she's uh you know, dating Itachi. What did Naruto do?" Hinata asked, getting concerned causing me to bite my bottom lip before looking over at Tenten who seemed to be devastated. "Naruto is secretly dating Sakura and he knows about her and Itachi," I finally said before looking up at a tear streaked Hinata.

"That bitch," Hinata hissed, causing me and Tenten's eyes to widen in shock- this isn't good.


Sakura laid outside near her pool with a smirk on her face as she stared up at the sky. "Sakura, do you think that our kids will be adorable?" Naruto asked, interrupting Sakura's thoughts. Sakura groaned in annoyance and sat up, glaring daggers at Naruto. "Shut up you moron, seriously. Stop thinking so far ahead in life, like what if I don't want kids? God," Sakura said, running her fingers through her pink hair. Before stopping as Kuro popped into her mind.

"Oh Kuro," Sakura whispered, hearts appearing in her eyes as she remembered the now white haired beauty. Naruto stared at Sakura confused before he looked away, knowing he shouldn't say anything about her strange obsession with Kuro. "Naruto, who do you think would be better for me? Kuro or Itachi? Oh, maybe Sasuke-kun!~" Sakura yelled, standing up with her hands together, held by the side of her face as she squealed in delight at the thought of one of them being hers. [13]

"What about me!" Naruto complained, pouting as he stood up, moving over to Sakura and straddling her only to be pushed to the ground. Sakura let out a shrill scream as she stood up, "Don't touch me you idiot!" Sakura screamed at Naruto before storming off inside and throwing herself onto her bed and burying her face into her pillow, bursting into tears. "I hate you Kuro!" She screamed into her pillow.

Naruto sat by the pool, staring up at the sky wondering what he had done wrong. "Why don't you love me Sakura," Naruto whispered to himself, leaning back only to fall into the pool. He surfaced only to here laughing over the fence that separated the huge building from Kuro's. He pushed himself out of the water and stood up, shaking his head to dry off before he moved to look over the fence, finding himself staring at Hinata. Her luscious midnight black hair shining in the light and bouncing as she ran from her friends in a game of tag. Her lovely pale eyes shone brightly.

What was this strange feeling?

The Ghost of You. [Modern Itachi Love Story].Where stories live. Discover now