Chapter 12.

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Obito buried his face into the palms of his hands, sobbing quietly. He knew he shouldn't have done that, he should have held back. He didn't want to hurt her, he loved her- he still loves her in fact. Obito grimaced and glared at the palms of his hands, holding them in front of his face, glaring at every single tear that fell onto his palm. "I'm so sorry.." He whispered, crying harder as the minutes passed. He was shaking uncontrollably, especially when Madara; the man he was staying with, placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Hush child."

Obito looked up at the man, he was quite a handsome man. Obito forced a smile as Madara sat down next to him, "What has happened, child?" Obito tore his eyes from his and sighed, playing with his fingers, finding him picking at his nails. "I... Kuro.. You remember me bringing her up before, don't you?" Madara let out a deep chuckle, "Of course, you never shut up about the young lady," Obito blushed lightly before grimacing. "I kidnapped her and raped her.. Then.. I," He paused, "I let her go. I know what's going to happen now," Obito mumbled.

Madara tensed up, he knew what would happen if they came here. They would find all the bodies of the young girls he had kidnapped from various places and he would be killed on the spot! "Pack your things, child. We must be gone within the hour," Madara stood up and rushed off, leaving Obito staring after him. He forced himself up and went into his room; it wasn't much, just a bed, a desk and a closet. He pulled out a suitcase from under his bed and starting throwing everything he wanted to take with him; clothing, pictures, etc.

Madara grimaced as he packed his bags. He knew now that he had to leave this country with Obito straight away, in fact, he'd have to move to the other side of the country where no one could find him. He also knew that he had to teach Obito to be a cold-hearted killer. He was going to replace him when Madara finally passed; Obito was to be his successor and hopefully, when he's ready, take out Kuro Shizuko.


Kuro's eyes fluttered open and she yawned, stretching. She didn't remember her bed being so uncomfortable and sat up, placing her hand on her forehead with a grimace. "What on earth?" She turned around and gazed at her surroundings. Memories had flooded her mind; memories of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha. Memories of Obito Uchiha. All were memories she wanted to forget dearly, in fact, they were memories she had forgotten at one stage. Kuro looked up and her eyes met the doctors brown eyes. "You're awake? Well, that's a relief. How are you feeling?" The doctor smiled warmly at Kuro and she forced a smile. "I feel all right, a bit tired and I remember some things, though I'd rather not say.."

The door barged open and Aki and Aito rushed in, both hugging her tightly, sobbing. "Oh, Kuro!" Aki wailed into her shoulder, her hands caressing her head while Aito rubbed her back. Kuro found herself smiling as a few tears fell down her cheeks, "Mother, father, I can remember," Kuro smiled slightly and Aki gasped, "Then, can you tell me.. Who was it that... Molested you?" She mumbled, looking away. Kuro frowned, "Obito Uchiha, I remember him kissing me at school, claiming he loved me and I collapsed. When I came to, he.. did things," She whispered, turning away.

"Uchiha.. That wretched family!" Aki screeched, causing the doctor to jump. "Get Police Chief B on the phone this minute!" Aki barked, glaring at the doctor who nodded his head furiously, "Yes mam," And hurried out. Kuro turned her gaze to her step-mother and smiled lightly. "Oh Kuro, so much has happened to you because of those cursed Uchiha's. You're such a sweet girl, you don't deserve this.." She whispered causing Kuro to giggle slightly. "Thank you Aki, you're kind. I love you both," Kuro whispered, though she felt.. sick? She ignored it though, probably just a bad feeling, nothing more.

After an hour, she was taken home where she had a nice long bath. Unaware of everything happening downstairs; the news of the disappearance of Madara and Obito Uchiha and the missing girls that had just shown up. Kuro sighed as she felt herself relax in the tub, the pink hair pulled up into a messy bun. She lifted her leg up, gazing at her pink toenails with a content smile on her face. She lay her head back before picking up her phone and flipping it open, reading through several text messages, especially the ones from Itachi Uchiha.

Kuro giggled lightly and shut her eyes before Aki barged in, causing Kuro to drop her phone onto the tiled floor with a light blush as she hurried to cover herself. "Aki!" She growled with red cheeks, "They fled the damn country, the cowards!" She barked, growling as she sat behind Kuro and let her hair down, raking her fingers through it before picking up a bucket and spilling the water onto her hair, before washing it as Kuro whined, feeling uncomfortable. "Hush girl, I'm your mother now. Stop complaining, it's not like I haven't seen your body before," She laughed joyously before sighing softly.

"I'm so sorry Kuro.. You don't deserve all this.."


B put the phone down and got up, "Boys, we got a job to do. Seems like Madara and Obito were at it again, let's go!" B yelled, running out with his gun, car keys, etc. He jumped into his car and took off, his sirens going off but found as soon as he got to the house, there was no trace. B wandered the halls, keeping his eyes peeled when he came to a door. He shot the chains and other locks off it and almost hurled as a draft blew into his face, bring the smell of rot.

"Boys, over here!" He called as he turned on the light and made his way down, almost tripping on the arm of a young girl. A girl who had showed up missing just a few days ago. The girls name was Rin, he couldn't remember her last name, perhaps it was Nohara? All he knew that Obito and her had once been close. It made him quite suspicious. He lifted his gun up, a little flashlight in his other hand as he shown it all over the room; blood covered the walls and bodies decorated the floor. It was revolting, "Call in the professionals."

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