Chapter 9.

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Kuro laid in her bed with warm tears leaking from her eyes, the pain flowing in her body was unbelievable; she wanted to cry and scream for them to stop, that she was awake but she couldn't muster up the courage to say the words on her mind. Kuro just stared up at the roof and listened to the voices outside; shocked when she had heard Sakura's outburst, she let out a pained scream. Blood dripped from Kuro's mouth as she found herself shaking, "We need more doctors!" One of the doctors yelled at a nurse who immediately rushed out.

Kuro's eyes were wide as she watched the doctor put morphine into a tube connected to her. Kuro opened her mouth to try and speak but found her vision darkening as the pain became to much for her fragile body to handle. "We're losing her!" A doctor yelled to another doctor; this situation was dire, one wrong move and they would lose the young girl. Kuro's mind was swamped with memories, memories that made her want to bed for death but she found those memories slowly seeping from her mind. Aki held onto the love of her life down the corridor .

"Aito.." Aki whispered, trying to keep her tears back, "Do you think Kuro will live?" She whimpered into her lovers chest as he ran his long slender fingers through Aki's icy hair. Aki looked into her lovers red eyes and gazed lovingly; her blue eyes full of tears. "She will Aki, I know she will," Aito whispered to his lover, "Kuro is strong, her will is strong. She won't die now, I just hope that she comes out of this mess unharmed," Aito sighed in pain. "I never want her to go near those boys again!" Aki hissed.

"I agree love," Aito whispered as he looked down at the ground before rushing to Kuro's room where he heard screams from his daughter; Aki close behind. Kuro's eyes shot open and she started screaming in pain; this aching feeling, it was unusually strong. Warm tears fell down Kuro's cheeks as her memories left her mind, "W-who am I?" Kuro finally whispered as the pain subsided; Aki and Aito burst through the doors to the room. Kuro tilted her head to the side at the two adults by the door and furrowed her brows in utter confusion, "Who are you?"

Aito and Aki felt their hearts break at that very question and looked between each other in utter horror, "Doctor, you never told me she would lose her memories.." Aki whimpered as Aito stood there frozen in his tracks; the large group outside stayed seated, waiting for Kuro's parents to tell them the news, although from what they could hear, it wasn't good news. The news was absolutely horrid, several hearts were broken and several wounded by what they knew. Kuro looked between the grown ups confused by what was being said and tilted her head, "Whats going on here?"


Itachi whimpered as he walked through the doors to his bedroom, he slammed the door and locked it. He fell onto his bed and placed his head into his hands as warm tears fell onto his palms, "I'm so sorry Kuro.." Itachi breathed to himself, "I love you Kuro.." Itachi admitted to no one in particular before laying back and staring at the roof, his tears falling onto his bed. Itachi pulled his phone out from his pockets and swiftly texted the girl who had lost her memories, his mind wondering to what he should say to the girl.

"You are my world, my stars, my light, my everything, I wish for you to know that I love you and only you. Forever I'll love you, forever I'll care, forever you are mine and I am yours. Eternity together, eternity of loving and an eternity of us.." Itachi found himself blushing a dark shade of red as he finally managed to think of something for the girl he loves. Itachi took deep uneven breaths and stared at his phone before shoving it under his pillow, his face beet red. "Calm down Itachi.." He whispered to himself, taking deep breaths.


The girls all sat together at a near-by store, "She lost her memories," Tenten breathed out as she looked over at Hinata and Konan. Hinata couldn't hold back the tears as they dripped down her cheeks, Konan kept her gaze on the table, finding it hard to control her emotions which were going hay wire. Tenten on the other hand, forced the tears to stay back even though she wanted nothing more than to cry; this was more than she could take in a single dose. "Stupid Itachi," Hinata cried out as she threw herself into Konan's arms.

"This isn't fair.." Konan finally whispered as tears fell down her cheek, "Her weak heart couldn't bare the burden anymore," Tenten whimpered as she placed her face into her palms, the tears slowly falling from her eyes. Konan ran her fingers through Hinata's hair and shut her eyes before jumping at the sudden touch on her shoulder, "Konan?" A familiar voice questioned; she turned around to see the love of her life, Yahiko. "What are you doing here?" Konan breathed, her heart pounding. Her friends remained quiet and watched the scene as the man grasped Konan's hands. "I love you."

Konan's heart stopped and she smiled widely, "I love you too!" She through herself into Yahiko's arms as he held her close and gently kissed her temple. Tenten smiled in awe and looked over at Hinata who looked down at her shaking hands, the tears not stopping. "Are you alright Hinata?" That very voice made Hinata squeal as she turned to look at Naruto; her face beat red. "Y-yes, I'm just worried for Kuro-chan.."Hinata whispered as her heart ached for her friend. "I heard about that," Naruto whispered, "Hey, want to see a movie with me? I have an extra ticket."

Tenten smiled slightly as her friends ran off; she was happy for them. Though, it didn't stop the dull ache in her very own chest. "Tenten," She heard a familiar voice say, though the voice sounded strained and broken. She turned to see Sasuke- the love of her life. "Sasuke-kun," Tenten whispered as Sasuke sat down next to her and smiled softly, "Seems like because of Kuro, every ones being reunited with their loves," Sasuke whispered as he looked at Tenten, "About Karin-" Tenten interrupted him with a kiss, "I already know, I'm sorry for being a pain," Tenten grinned..

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