Chapter 7.

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Kuro giggled as she walked into school with her new-found friends, Hinata and Neji. Tenten was attached to Hinata while Hinata and Neji were on either side of me. Across from me I noticed Itachi and his group of friends, Sakura happened to be with Naruto sitting outside on the side walk. As soon as Hidan noticed me he called out, "Hey sexy!" and tried to grab my attention but I ignored him and turned my gaze to Neji who was glaring at Hidan. Hinata looked over at me, "Do you know him Kuro-chan," Hinata whispered. I looked at her and shook my head, "Not exactly, but I did punch him over the weekend," I laughed.

"You punched the Hidan!?" Tenten gushed, jumping in front of me with wide eyes. I laughed again and nodded my head before noticing them all looking at me now, Itachi was looking between me and Hidan, looking quite angry. Kakuzu grunted and placed a hand on Hidan's shoulder, "Shut it Hidan, she's mine," Kakuzu said, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. I found my eyes widening slightly before I turned away and kept my eyes on Neji, before turning and walking off to finish the day of school.


Hinata and Tenten giggled as we sat down for lunch, "Looks like you got the guys drooling over you!" They said at the same time, a bit too loud at the moment. All the boys turned their gaze to me and to make it worse, Sakura walked in. "Ha! Nice joke you two, she's not even half as hot as I am!" Sakura laughed causing me to sigh, Tenten on the other hand turned around. "That's it, time to finish this!" Tenten yelled and tackled Sakura to the ground. "First, leave Naruto alone you bitch, he's Hinata's! Second, leave Itachi alone. Him and Kuro are destined to be together. Third, Kuro is a lot hotter than you are bitch," Tenten repeatedly punched her, continuing on with her rambling, causing my face to heat up...

"Stop this now!" Mr Sarutobi yelled, causing Tenten to freeze. Mr Sarutobi immediately pointed a finger at me, Tenten and Sakura. "Office now," I frowned and immediately grabbed Tenten and followed Sarutobi into the office where he separated us all after telling Sakura and Tenten that they were now suspended. He took me into a separate room while the Principal, Tsunade, spoke with the other two. "I have a feeling it was you who caused the fight, am I correct? Of course, you didn't do it intentionally but you were the reason it started, correct?" I nodded my head and before I knew it, he gave me a huge speech before sending me out.

I walked out from the principal's office and sighed as I looked at Neji and Hinata who were standing outside waiting for me. "What's the news Kuro?" I looked at the door before turning my gaze to them, "Tenten and Sakura are being suspended," I frowned and looked down at the ground. Neji placed a hand on my back and gave me an adorable smile before turning his attention to Itachi and his group who had been waiting patiently across from us to see the outcome. I leaned against the wall and slid to the ground, staring at my hands.

"It's going to be so strange not having her around, we'll be loners Hinata!" I yelled dramatically which caused her to burst out into a giggle fit. Neji chuckled and knelt down and looked me in the eyes and smiled, "I'm here to keep you company Kuro-san," Neji whispered before being interrupted by a woman who normally hung around Itachi. "Hello, my name's Konan," She smiled warmly causing me to smile brightly. "I've heard of you. There's rumors of you and your boyfriend Yahiko being the hottest couple out," I chuckled causing her to blush and smile.

"Yeah, I've heard those rumors but now that he's moved, we kind of fell apart. I wish we hadn't," Konan whispered, her eyes glistening with tears. I found myself immediately standing up and hugging Konan at that moment, Hinata joined in and we had a minute group hug. Neji refused to join in of course, saying that it wouldn't be right. I kind of understood where he was coming from, but not entirely. "Hey Konan, where's Sasuke? I noticed he was hanging around today.. In fact I haven't seem him at all," I muttered to myself as I turned my gaze to Konan.

"Apparently he's going on a date with Karin, they just started going out apparently. Also, I heard that Karin forced Sasuke to ask Tenten out for shits and giggles," Konan mumbled causing Hinata to gasp and her eyes to widen. "B-but that's not right! Tenten and Sasuke both like each other so.. but, that doesn't make sense! Why would Sasuke date Karin when he's in love with Tenten," Hinata whispered to herself. I kept quiet before I knew what had to be done. I stormed over to the table where Itachi and his friends were. I may not be talking to Itachi but this was something I was willing to do, even if it mean't speaking to him.

As soon as I reached my destination, I grabbed a hold of Itachi's collar and clenched it tightly. "Where the hell is Sasuke. If you don't answer me straight out, I will not hold back from beating the shit out of you. I refuse to stand for what Sasuke is doing to Tenten," I hissed out, calling all the guys to zip their lips. Itachi gulped and stared right into my eyes, I felt like my heart was going to pound out of my chest but I kept my composure. "He went out with Karin.. and what do you mean what's he's doing to Tenten?" Itachi spoke quite calmly but, his voice sounded tired. I didn't expect much from him of course, I just thought that with him dating Sakura, she'd be giving him money constantly to keep him happy.


Itachi sat down at the lunch table with his friends, "Dude, did you see that!? Tenten full on kicked Sakura's ass for insulting the babe Kuro!" Deidara laughed, "My dreams would be fulfilled if that rumor and picture of Tenten and Kuro were true," He gushed causing Itachi to grimace. "It would be even better if that Hinata Hyuga girl was apart of their alone time!" Zetsu pointed out and smirked as he imagined it in his head. Sasori grimaced and turned his head away. Kakuzu sighed, "I'd rather it if it wasn't. I don't want to have thoughts of my darling Kuro," He smiled to himself, causing Itachi to clench his fist.

"Man, you've been obsessed with Kuro ever since she punched Hidan. What's up with that?" Kisame questioned causing Kakuzu to smirk, "She has one hell of a punch. She might be interested in the things I'm interested in," Kakuzu smirked and shut his eyes in bliss. Konan frowned and stood up, "Well, I'm going to go join their group.. I don't want to be around guys that are talking like this, sayonara," Konan muttered and walked off in the direction of the smaller group, containing only Hinata, Kuro and Neji.

It wasn't long before Kuro stormed over and had it out with Itachi about Sasuke cheating on both Karin and Tenten. Itachi and the group were shocked at Kuro's out burst but didn't know what to say and kept their mouths shut and only answered when spoken to. It seemed like the best thing to do in a situation like this. It felt like their lives were on the line. What was most shocking was that Hidan hadn't commented about Kuro being 'sexy', it made Itachi happy but also worried him.

As soon as Kuro was satisfied, she turned to walk away, Hidan quickly reached over and slammed his hand against Kuro's butt. Kuro froze and watched as Neji's face went red with anger and stormed over, slamming a fist into Hidan's jaw. Kuro gasped and covered her mouth with her hands and watched as Hinata and Konan pulled Neji away from Hidan. "Stop it Neji!" Konan yelled, and tugged Neji off Hidan after Neji tried to attack Hidan again. Neji turned his head to look at me before frowning and looking at his hands.

"I'm sorry Kuro," Neji whispered before rushing off and out of school. Kuro stood there stunned as Konan tried to stop Hidan's nose from bleeding by using the napkins on the table. Hinata stared after Neji before turning her gaze to me, "It seems that Neji has developed feelings for you Kuro, either that or he cares deeply for you," Hinata whispered causing Kuro to look at her. "I-I.. Yeah.. Konan, Hinata, let's just leave Neji be and go find Sasuke, for Tenten's sake," Kuro said, still struggling to get out of the daze the incident had caused her.

"You're right, it would be best to do that," Konan nodded and smiled softly at Kuro and Hinata, "Let's go find Sasuke and get an explanation! And... maybe get some ice-cream after," Konan muttered before smiling at Kuro and Hinata. Kuro almost immediately started her journey to the near-by park where Itachi had told her when she threatened him.

Sasuke sat there with his arms wrapped around Karin, leaning closer and closer... A shadow watching them, a shadow that looked exactly like Tenten..

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